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I feel my nose twitch first, before my eyelids start to flutter. I think it can sense it the delicious smell of coffee that's awaiting me. Nicki rarely gets up early on a day off so it's a treat to my senses to smell coffee being made in this apartment. I stretch my arms out and yawn before forcing my eyes open for the day.

It's bright in here geez, did I not shut the blinds?

It takes me a few blinks to really focus my vision.

When my eyes clear I notice that I'm looking up at very tall white ceilings that definitely are not in my tiny apartment.

My body jolts to a sitting position as I take in my surroundings before yesterday's events flood my memory. I went to the beach with Harry and then we watched movies and then we read and then... I fell asleep?

HOW EMBARRASSING. I FELL ASLEEP ON HIS COUCH!? He was probably too nice to kick my lame ass out last night, oh my GOD please kill me.

I notice that my mouth tastes awful, evidence of not brushing last night. I'm slightly sweaty from sleeping on this leather couch so I'm sure my hair is just matted to my head, and my clothes are uncomfortably clinging to my clammy skin.

I feel gross. I need a shower. I need to get the hell out of here before Harry sees me. I stand quickly, trying to finger comb my hair into a manageable state. I take the blanket that was draped over me and fold it neatly before laying it on the back of the couch and straightening the throw pillows nicely.

I run my hands up and down my body, slightly panicking when I don't feel my phone, whipping my head around looking it on the ground somewhere. It takes a a minute before I notice that it's plugged into a charger and waiting for me on the coffee table, next to a cup of coffee. I can't help but be taken aback by the kind gestures I've already encountered this morning, from the blanket and pillow to a charged phone and fresh coffee, it's truly unexpected.

I check my phone while I take a few sips of the coffee, it's still pretty warm and it's a delicious blend, I groan a little bit as the life saving liquid enters my body.

I only have 2 more texts from Santana which I delete immediately, almost robotically, not really feeling any emotion about it. I have texts from Miranda and Britt wishing me a good Holiday that I must have missed yesterday, I was so involved in our conversations that I really didn't check my phone much at all. I shoot them each a text back and set my coffee down, heading for the restroom I had used yesterday.

I closed the bathroom door and turned around to another unexpected surprise, a fresh toothbrush and toothpaste sits on top of a note, which sits on top of a folded towel. As I get closer I notice that on the other side of the towel are what looks to be clothes folded neatly on the counter. I shake my head in disbelief and grab the note.


I had to run to a quick meeting this morning and didn't want to wake you. I'm assuming you may want to wash the beach off so I left you some clean clothes. The toothbrush is also for you, obviously. I also left you some fresh fruit in the refrigerator if you'd like it, help yourself to anything in the kitchen. I should be back by about 10:30. Call if you need anything.

See you soon,   H.

The air has been taken clean out of my lungs at the generosity of this man. Truly incredible, I could almost cry seeing the heart he signed next to his H.

I cannot believe I got an H letter. I'M FRAMING THIS SHIT.

I would normally feel bad about taking him up on his offer but it felt so purely genuine that I dont feel guilt about it. I also dont want to call an Uber to his home, I dont want to invade his privacy like that, so I really have no other option than waiting until he gets home...plus I really need a fucking shower.

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