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pick up the fucking phone.

pick up.

pick up.

pick up.

"Hello!?" It's loud, Frankie's face is shoved in front of the camera, and bright colored lights flash around him to the beat of the music.

"Uhm hi. Whatcha doin?" I keep the camera too close to my face, not giving away my location yet to minimize questions.

"I'm at a party, babe. Are you okay? What's wrong? I thought you guys were going to the big party tonight?"

"Oh we are, we're about to leave. I just needed you real quick, can you sneak off to a bathroom or something?"

"What? Why?"

"Frankie! Just go to the damn bathroom!"

"Okay! Jesus, you need to relax. Are you getting laid?"


"Josephine! I'm going! I'm in a fucking loft, give me a second. Aren't you supposed to be pleasant today? New Year is kind of your thing..."



"The blindfold thing is kind of sexy but the elevator music is killing the mood." I feel Harry laugh behind me, I'm leaned back against him as we ride the elevator. He quickly pinches the bottom of my left ass cheek and he kisses a quick peck under my jaw when I throw my head back laughing at him.

He'd been a dreamboat all day. I woke up to soft kisses all over and a slow-rolling orgasm, followed by breakfast and a few hours of quiet time to get some work done. He interrupted me around 1:30 - 2:00 and we went for a walk down to a little french restaurant to get lunch. It was beautiful out today, cold and crisp. It started snowing a few days ago and we've both been enjoying watching it blanket the city in pretty white snowflakes. Recently we've been drinking wine out on the balcony after dinner and watching it fall.

 Recently we've been drinking wine out on the balcony after dinner and watching it fall

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