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Harry is extra protective today. We have three security guards with us as opposed to just 1 and he will not let me let go of his arm as we walk from the car to the showroom. There aren't very many people around so this seems pretty ridiculous to me, but it's making him feel better so I'm gonna keep my mouth shut.

"I've never been to a showroom before! This is so exciting! I can't wait to see what you're wearing oh my god it's gonna be so good isn't it?"  Harry laughs softy at my excited ramblings and guides me through the doors into the warehouse looking building.

Not exactly what I expected from a Gucci showroom but I guess keeping it inconspicuous is smart to prevent theft.

The inside of the the warehouse is beautiful, it's very modern industrial with rich colored accents and it smells wonderful.

Harry keeps a hold of my arm until we approach the elevators and then he relaxes a bit and settles a hand on my back.

"I called Alessandro, he was very excited to pull some pieces for you. He usually goes a bit overboard, but it's fun. Just be honest about what you like and he'll make sure you love what you end up in." 

When we left that elevator we walked into a room that was mostly windows. It was stunningly bright and there was fabric everywhere. There were boards covered in fabric and tables covered in fabric and mannequins draped in fabrics. All of them were gorgeous.

They were vibrant colors, some of them covered in crystals. Some of them were delicate lace and some were heavy velvet. I couldn't take my eyes off them, I was so distracted I didn't even notice Alessandro greeting Harry with a tight hug.

"Jo! Ciao! Come stai?" Alessandro's voice snaps me back from my distracted staring and I turn to him just in time to see his arms open and ready to embrace me.

"Oh, hi! Ciao! I'm so sorry, that's about as far as my Italian goes." I answer him while I hug him back and he laughs with me.

"Don't worry about it, Darling. How are you? I've heard so much about you, it's an honor to finally meet you!"

"An honor to meet me!? Oh please. I'm honored to meet you! Are you kidding me!? This is incredible, you are so talented, I'm so excited to be here." Harry is smiling widely when I glance at him over Alessandro's shoulder and he winks at me when our eyes meet.

Alessandro is buzzing with excitement, you can feel it radiate off of him as he moves through the showroom, leading us over to a rack full of colorful garments.

I hang back a little bit and just watch as the two of them talk about the fabrics and the colors and draping styles. Harry is rolling his bottom lip between his fingers like he does when he's concentrating really hard and it makes me smile.

I sit down on the red tufted ottoman and my mind starts to drift.

I can't believe how much I've gotten to know him over the course of a few short months, and I can't believe that most of the assumptions I had about him were correct.

He really is the most loving and kind person I've ever met. He shows his love in every single way, it's like he knows how to perfectly display every single type of love language. No wonder everyone loves him so much, he does it to himself being so perfectly lovable.

He's not ashamed of his hatred for being alone, he is open and honest about his loneliness and he has no reservations when it comes to being "needy." If he wants to see you he will simply call and ask. He doesn't overthink it for hours as I would, he's not worried about being annoying. Quality time is never lacking with him. Even if you only see him for a few moments, he makes them matter.

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