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I'm still laughing at his ridiculous stunt while he beams about it from the driver's seat. By the time I finally get myself in an upright position we are out of the parking lot and headed to whatever "Ricky's" is. He sends a mischievous smirk my way and asks "So, what do you want to listen to?"

I surprise him with my quick response. "Well I really only listen to two genres and that's smooth jazz or heavy metal, soooo I don't know if you'd really know the kind of artists that I like."

I have to press my lips together to stop from laughing again. He laughs softly to himself while he nods his head, "I believe I've seen you in a Queen shirt before, shall we have a listen to them?"

He remembers what I've worn!? Oh shit, I gotta step it up now. I didn't know he was paying attention. Fuck.

"You can never go wrong with Queen." I smile over at him as I Want to Break Free starts to pour from his speakers.

This moment feels very surreal to me. It's dark out now, almost 8 pm on a Monday night. We aren't really in downtown at all so there aren't an abundance of lights, just enough to light up our faces when we turn to each other on certain lyrics. I can't believe how comfortable this is, how easy it feels to just be here, sitting the passenger seat of Harry Styles car while we sing along to Queen.

The windows are cracked so we have a slight breeze, after 3 or 4 more songs the scent of the ocean trickles into the car. A few minutes later we pull into the parking lot of a very small shack that's basically on the beach. I don't even know where we are right now, I was too focused on the bigger picture to notice what exits we took.

When we get inside the restaurant my mouth is instantly watering. I can't help it, it smells absolutely incredible in here. The walls are painted bright orange with a stunning mural on the back wall of women dancing.

Their dresses are full and bright, the picture is quite mesmerizing, it's like you can see the movement but it's obviously not really happening. Harry places his hand on my back and guides me over to the long table where the rest of our group is seated. Before we can make it there a very small woman intercepts us, throwing her arms around Harry's waist.

He leans down to hug her and gives her an excited "Hola, Maria!" I have absolutely no idea what was said after that, they had an animated conversation in Spanish, Maria pointed to me at one point and Harry laughed softly and shook his head, he introduced me to Maria briefly and then we made our way to the table.

Harry explained that shes the owner, she runs it with her son, Ricky. They have a sweet story of their lives printed on the back of the menu.

Harry pulls a chair out for me next to Charlotte and he sits down next to Mitch, we spend a few minutes looking over the extensive menu before ordering. The conversation is lively between the group of us, all talking and eating and laughing together. It felt warm and comfortable to be here with them even though I didn't know any of them at all.

They laughed at my jokes the few times I made them, and held conversation like they really cared what you had to say. They were just good people at the core of it all.

"Do you like tequila?" Harry's voice near my ear brings me out of my thoughts.

I give him a raised eyebrow while I answer, "Tequila ranks higher on my list of loves than any man I've ever known."

I shoot him a toothy smile while he throws his head back laughing. "Margaritas it is then! Maria makes the absolute best." He says while turning to flag her down.

"Harry Styles if you feed me anything with gold tequila in it I will give you ridiculous foundation lines for the rest of our time together."

He looks at me with his mouth agape, "What do you have against gold!? Also, how do you know that I prefer gold tequila?" He has that stupid smirk on his face with his eyebrow raised as he bats his eyelashes at me.

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