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On again, off again? What is the deal with Harry and Josephine?

"Do not read it or I'm throwing you out of the car Frankie."

"Well, you're no fun."

Harry and Frankie are bickering in the rearview mirror as we head toward Malibu. The sunroof is open, Faith Hill is pouring from the speakers, and there is a smile on my face while I shake my head at them.

"Watch it, Frankie, my boyfriend is a real hard-ass these days, he just might do it."

"God, you fucking bitch. I can't believe Harry Styles is your boyfriend!! BOY. FRIEND. You have drawers full of merch for him and you get to fuck him!? How is life going this well for you!? What is the secret!?"

"I mean I have crippling depression sometimes, a man set my apartment on fire, and my mother killed herself...but hello? Have you seen him? I still won. Nice try universe, better luck in the next life bitch!"

Frankie doubles over in laughter while I throw my head back, wheezing for air between cackles. Harry looks at us like we're deranged and says "You two are terrifying sometimes, you know that?"

"It's how we cope, we're fine."

Frankie and I burst out in giggles again as we weave through LA traffic. Harry is driving Frankie's car so we'd have less of a chance of being harassed. The sun is warm, sunglasses are on, and my hair is up the clip that I borrowed from H. It's early afternoon, we have a long evening ahead of us catching up with friends and celebrating, this moment though was special.

It felt like all my moments were special lately. I've been romanticizing the fuck out of my life and honestly? I have every right to. I'm dating a fucking rockstar and living a life beyond my wildest dreams.

Right now I can look in the mirror and see just me, no intrusions. I can have sex as often as I want with someone who has never once made me feel uncomfortable for my desires. I have a grief-stricken heart, but I have people to help carry that weight. Life is good right now and it deserves to be appreciated in all of its small, boring moments, like driving through traffic with my best friends in the afternoon sun.

We decide to stop for a minute to grab some late lunch at a little spot in a strip mall that Harry likes. We devour veggie burgers and a huge order of fries, and before we leave H orders a nasty green grass juice that I so kindly offer to carry to the car. Frankie and I both make gagging sounds at the sight of it, Harry just shakes his head at us and answers Mitch's text. The worst part about this whole situation is that as we leave the restaurant we get papped walking to the car.

 The worst part about this whole situation is that as we leave the restaurant we get papped walking to the car

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Now the internet is going to think that I'm the one who drinks this shit and that's simply not fair. I don't want to be known for that publicly. Harry's slutty makeup artist who was out with a different man every week? That's fine, didn't phase me. Harry's slutty makeup artist who drinks green juice!? Absolutely not. I don't know how I'm going to come back from this.

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