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"My Friend"
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                              "My Friend"                            8TEEN-Khalid                            ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀

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"You actually broke up with him!" Kiaras wide eyes stared at Alexa.

"Mmhm, dumped him in front of his buddies." Alexa shoved her mouth with fries as she sat at the counter in the Wreck restaurant.

"Good for you! It's about time you opened your eyes." Kie smiled wide while giving the girl a quick hug.

She was proud her friend was able to get away from the shitty boy. Kie hated him.

"I feel great Kiara. I feel free, like I could jump off a roof and fly." Alexa excitedly stated.

"Okay let's not get ahead of ourselves." Kie laughed.

"Oh my god I totally forgot guess what! My dad told me he loved me." Alexandra Informed taking a sip from her virgin piña colada.

"What!?" Kie stopped wiping the table to stare at her.

"I know right! Fucking insane I tell you. I mean this whole day has just been crazy. I will say though, he was drunk out of his mind." Alexa shrugged.

Alexa felt like the 'I love you' was empty. It was the alcohol speaking because he had never expressed emotion like that.

"Hey Alexandra, how's your dad's party?" Kies mom walked out from the kitchen.

"It's great. He's expecting you guys." Alexa smiled, earning a smile from both of Kies parents.

"We'll be there." Kies dad chimed in. Kie rolled her eyes causing Alexa to laugh.

Kies parents loved her more than the rest, because to them Alexandra was the perfect friend Kie could have. She was the perfect Kook.

"Wanna know what happened to me?" Kiara asked stopping in front of the girl.

Alexandra nodded eagerly. The venting was going great.

"John B kissed me"

Alexa's fry fell out of her hand.

"No way." Alexa laughed.

John B made a move. Alexa couldn't believe it, she could only imagine how awkward it must've been. John B was just one awkward boy at times, especially when it came to girls. He wasn't smooth.

"Yes and I freaked out and pushed him away cause it's John B, you know? It came out of nowhere, his feelings are just scrambled. He knows there's no Pogue on Pogue macking. Also because of him my ass almost got grounded, my dad had to bail him."

"Oh shit." The laughter from Alexa had disappeared. He face was sad and serious.

Alexa wondered if Kie really cared about the rules that much or if she just didn't really like John B. What would Kie say if she told her about what had happened with JJ.

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