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"Change (In the House of Flies)- Deftones


Alexandra sighed as she walked down the pier, she abruptly stopped when she noticed the group of three running towards her

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Alexandra sighed as she walked down the pier, she abruptly stopped when she noticed the group of three running towards her.

Her mind first darted towards Pope who was sweating profusely and should've been at his interview but then she caught eye of John B. She let out a breath of relief at the sight of him. Glad that he seemed fine, well as fine as he could be.

"John B thank God you're okay." She put out her arms wide open.

John B quickly wrapped his arms around her, squeezing her tight.

She was his best friend, she had known his dad since the minute she was born, considering her mom and his dad were good friends. She understood his pain in every way possible. The pain of losing a parent, the pain of them wrongfully being taken away way too early.

"I don't like fighting with you Al." John B breathed out into her shoulder.

"Then why are we so damn good at it?" She softly chuckled, she unknowingly earned a small smile from the long haired boy.

"I should've listened to you, I shouldn't-"

"Shut up, shut up, it's good that you went, as much as it hurts, knowing is much better than not knowing. Much better than sitting around everyday wondering. You're gonna get through this JB." she assured as she pulled away.

She wanted him to know, that it would take a long ass time, but time would truly heal. Maybe it wouldn't heal completely but it would at least take some of the pain away. He just needed to give it time.

"Uhh guys beautiful moment but we gotta go." JJ pointed at the Twinkie.

John B began pulling Alexandra towards the van.

"Go where? What's going on?" She asked as she hopped on joining the rest of the crew.

"Well Ward not only committed murder, he is also stealing our gold. We have one final chance of stealing it back." Pope explained as John B began zooming through the roads.

"And how exactly are we gonna do that?" She asked, eyebrows furrowed.

JJ threw his bag down and took out his gun, loading bullets. Alexandra wondered where the hell he had gotten so many bullets.

But then again he was JJ, he had his ways.

"We go in there guns a-blazin." He spoke loudly.

"Mm immediately no." Alexandra shook her head with wide eyes, already not liking the beginning of the plan.

"Make Ward Cameron beg for mercy, grab as much gold as possible, and vámonos." JJ ignored her disagreement.

"Send that shit down the intracoastal." John B pitched in.

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