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Tongue Tied- Grouplove
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                              "Adventure"                    Tongue Tied- Grouplove                    ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀

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"Why are we at the docks again?" Doug asked Alexa as he held her hand in his. She was walking on the beams as if they were a tight rope.

He stared worriedly as one miss step and she would be in the water.
Although if he really knew Alexa, he would know she'd love just that. If she pulled him under it would be even better.

"I told you John B will be here to pick me up." She looked over at him as the wind blew her hair behind her. The soft warm orange sunlight hit her perfectly.

She loved days like this. Not too hot and not too cold, it would usually happen after a storm.

"It's the day after a hurricane Alexa. The hell could John B want?" He scoffed causing Alexa to roll her eyes at him.

"It's tradition. It's hard to explain." She hopped off the beam and stood in front of him . They reached the end of the docks. Now they just had to wait.

"I don't like the idea of just you and John B." He clenched his jaw causing the girl to tilt her head in annoyance.

"It won't just be me and John B...JJ, Pope and Kie will be there too."

"The ratio is 3 to 2. Although I guess Heyward shouldn't be considered that much of a man." Doug smirked causing Alexa to frown.

"Leave him alone." She softly defended.

Doug gave her an are you serious look before shaking his head.

Alexa would defend her friends no matter who was trying to talk down on them.

"Whatever I just thought you'd at least ask me first."

Alexa furrowed her eyebrows and stared at him in disbelief.

"Uhm I thought you'd be ok with it. Besides I don't need your permission to hang out with my friends."

She hated how much he tried to control her.

It made her think about how Rafe wasn't even controlling. Although when she caught herself thinking of Rafe she shook her head softly.

"Why would I ever be ok with that?" Doug stared at her in disbelief.

"I just thought-"

"Hey Doug I'm gonna go hang out with a bunch of guys on a boat hope you're okay with it." He cut her off, mimicking her. She rolled her eyes and took her hand from his.

"Hey Alexa I'm gonna go snort coke with Rafe and Topper while I take a billion other illegal substances at the same time, hope you're ok with it." She retaliated while glaring at him.

He smirked and licked his lips before they both heard a cheerful yell.

She looked over and saw John B and JJ. They waved at her. She smiled wide at them.

•So Close• JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now