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"Watch Yourself"
R U Mine?- Arctic Monkeys

 Once again the boat slowed down, JJ tied it off to the dock on the country club grounds

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Once again the boat slowed down, JJ tied it off to the dock on the country club grounds.

"Last bit, ready Al?" Pope asked grabbing a some bags.

Alexandra nodded grabbing a couple bag herself.

They had delivered the bags pretty quickly and the boys had gotten tipped pretty well.

"Meet you soon JJ." Pope hopped off the boat, Alexandra followed.

They now parted ways from JJ.

Alexa's kicked stones on the dirt path following closely behind Pope.

"The Big Bang is real Alexandra, there's so much science behind it." Pope argued.

The two had gotten into a conversation which the two had quite different views on.

"I'm not saying it's not real, I'm saying it's so unlikely. I have trouble believing one day there was nothing and then the next, there was everything. Doesn't make sense to me?"

Pope sighed rubbing his head with one of his bagged hands. Wanting to further his argument.

"Crap, I need to tie my shoe, I'll catch up. These old people are impatient. Be careful with the beers." Alexandra put the bags aside as Pope continued walking ahead.

She had finished tying her shoe when she got up and started dusting herself off. She all of the sudden heard glass break a little far up ahead.

"I told you to watch the beers." Alexandra muttered trying to catch up.

When the sight came into view her eyes widened.

Pope was on the ground, the groceries were everywhere and there were three guys surrounding him. When she recognized the three guys her heart dropped.

She picked up her pace when Pope stood up and tried to swing.

She watched Rafe hit him multiple times with a golf club.

"Rafe! Stop!" Alexandra dropped her own bags and tried to get to Rafe. She only got to shove Rafe once before Doug grabbed her and held her.

She felt so helpless. She struggled against her ex boyfriend.

"Rafe what the fuck are you doing?!" She screamed beyond angry.

Rafe looked at her a little crazed. He instantly regretted what he did. He didn't expect her to be there but now that he had started, he couldn't back off. Because to him his friends were watching and his friends expected him to do more. Doug especially, Topper was a bit more scared.

"Stay down bitch!" Rafe yelled at Pope. He completely ignored Alexa who continued to try and free herself from Dougs tight grasp.

Topper tried calming down Rafe when he saw Rafe lift the club one more time.

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