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"Under Duress"
Money In The Grave- Drake, Rick Ross

                           "Under Duress"       Money In The Grave- Drake, Rick Ross      ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀

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Alexa bit an apple as she sat beside Pope, listening to JJ's rambling.

He was explaining what had gone down that afternoon in detail.

"BAM! BAM! BAM! Knocking paint off the wall, G." JJ loudly exclaimed. Somehow his adrenaline was still pumping.

"That's a bit much." Alexa softly interjected but JJ ignored her.

If anything Alexa felt like the situation was scarier for Ms. Lana.

"Wait first of all look at this shit." JJ walked over in between Kie and Pope, and started shaking his hair vigorously.
Small flakes fell out.

"That's dandruff...that's disgusting." Kie grimaced causing Alexa to stifle a chuckle.

"That's paint! At that point I was just like.. I'm waiting for death." JJ's story came to an end.

Alexa squinted her eyes at him and looked at him as if he were crazy.

"You sound insane." Alexandra stated before taking another bite from her Apple. Maybe JJ didn't sound insane but he definitely looked it. His hair was a mess and his eyes looked wild.

As for Alexa her meds had kicked in so she was just chilling. John B had too much on his mind to be freaked out.

"Okay so you saw the guys that shot at us? Did you get a good description of them?" Pope asked trying grasp the situation.

"Yeah anything helpful." Kie chimed in.

"Anything we can bring to a police report maybe." Pope brought up the idea.

Alexa felt like the men just looked like your average bad guy. Like the robbers you see in every horribly made movie.

"Burly." Was all JJ could respond with.


"That's not very helpful." Kie let her head hang in disappointment.

"Okay well, like the type of guy at my dads garage. You guys know he made cargo bids for smugglers." JJ explained.

"Yes we know." Kie agreed to get the story moving along.

Alexa felt like the description was well. But how could they take that to the police?

"So I can tell you with full confidence guys, these boys...these killers..." JJ leaned against the wall pulling out his Juul pen and dramatically taking a hit, blowing the smoke back out in front of him.

"They're square groupers."

"They're square groupers, like narco square groupers? Like Pablo Escobar square groupers?" Pope had his head in his hands. He looked mentally exhausted.

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