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  "Told you"
Blame- Calvin Harris & John Newman
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                               "Told you"      Blame- Calvin Harris & John Newman       ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀

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"A kegger?" Alexa asked in the van as Kie and JJ loaded up the keg.

"Yeah I mean it is the most expected thing from us." John B shrugged

Alexa didn't know where to begin, it was a stupid idea. Although she did like hanging out with people and partying. For their situation it was a stupid idea.

"Okayyy but when have keggers ever gone right for us?"  She asked softly while watching JJ already chug on a cup.

John B started driving down the road.

"Keggers are always great!" John B smiled at her through the rear view mirror.

"Yeah totally. Like the time JJ fought that one tourist. Or the time JJ broke that Kooks nose. Or the time JJ- ahhh see the trend, a drunk JJ getting into fights." She glared at the blonde boy. He looked at her unimpressed with her accusation.

"Relax, it'll be a good time."John B assured

Alexa rolled her eyes but decided to stop arguing. Any other time she'd love a kegger, but in their current situation she felt like many things could wrong. She brought her knees close to her chest as she stared out at the fast moving trees.

"No fights from JJ tonight"  John B continued trying to reassure Alexa while at the same time warning JJ.

Alexa could only hope it was the truth.

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As the sun set the kegger was in full swing. There were all kinds of kids from all over drinking and doing stupid shit.

Alexa sat on a log next to Doug. He had heard word of the kegger and knew Alexandra would be there. Therefore he made sure he was gonna be there. In his mind it was to keep her in check. He was unknowingly controlling.

Alexa kept her eyes on Nathan. The younger boy somehow convinced his bitchier sister Bethany to bring him to the Kegger. Alexa found it suspicious that Bethany would bring him considering Bethany seemed embarrassed by him most of the time.

Nathan was sitting by a fire next to Pope.

"Should I bring Nathan over here?" Doug asked following her eyes to see where she was looking.

"No it's fine. They're probably talking about some nerdy shit. I don't know why Bethany brought Nate." Alexa rolled her eyes before turning to look back at Doug.

"Maybe she decided it's time for Nate to live a little, drink a little, and get some bitches." Doug laughed, earning a laugh from Kelce.

"You're fucking disgusting." Alexa stood up.

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