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"You're gonna be okay"
Nothing's Gonna Hurt You Baby-
Cigarettes after sex

"Are you sure you're okay Al? I mean JJ is fucking insane for having someone come after you like that!" Kiara scoffed beside Alexa as they hopped out of the truck

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"Are you sure you're okay Al? I mean JJ is fucking insane for having someone come after you like that!" Kiara scoffed beside Alexa as they hopped out of the truck.

The sun had set and was well past gone. The three had picked up some supplies and had arrived at John Bs.

"I'm fine, I'm just worried about JJ. I don't know where he is or how he is. I mean, I know you guys give him a hard time but you don't get it. He's gone through shit, he lives life thinking he's got nothing to lose. " Alexa explained while looking at her two friends.

"Yeah no, we know, but you could've seriously gotten hurt." Pope sighed

"Well I didn't so yay!...I'm gonna go use the bathroom." Alexa turned on her heel and walked through the dark yard.

There was a soft light she didn't recognize but didn't question as her feet crushed the dry leafs beneath her. Before she could reach the door she tripped on some sort of wire that she had never realized was there.

She fell with a thud.

"What the fuck?" She muttered confused as she dusted herself off. She looked up and came face to face with the missing blonde.

"Al hey! Look at what I got us, I think I'm almost 100 percent Kook. What are you doing on the ground?" JJ laughed from the inside of a hot tub.

It was dark beside a small glow from the lights inside the tub. They glowed bright enough for Alexandra to clearly see his face. She quickly stood up.

"JJ. What. The. Fuck?!" Alexa's breathing quickened at the sight of JJ in a hot tub. Her voice hushed as if there was. possibility that Pope and Kie wouldn't have to find out.

"What? Come in here, the water is like super warm, just the way you like it." JJ smiled, his hair wet as he sat in the tub.

Alexa gripped her hair and began pacing. she knew how much all the shit cost, the hot tub, the generator. She knew what it meant for JJ's restitution.

"What's wrong? Will you relax for one second." JJ begged.

He wanted her to be happy in the hot tub with him, not upset.

"JJ no...please don't tell me you spent it all."

She looked at him and he couldn't meet her eye. That was enough of an answer.

•So Close• JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now