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"Dark Red- Steve Lacey"



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"John B?!"

They all ran towards him wanting to know what had gone down.

"Is this yours?" JJ held his hands.

Alexandra swallowed hard at the sight of his bloody hands, she had never seen that much blood before.

John B stood unresponsive, almost in a state of shock. That was until the sound of sirens snapped him out of it. He jumped to hide behind furniture causing the rest to follow.

Kiara and Alexa shared looks that screamed 'What the fuck?"

After waiting a couple of minutes, they all stood up.

"What the hell happened?!" Kiara demanded

"We were on the strip, I stopped Ward and Peterkin was there and-and she was gonna arrest Ward. She knew he killed my dad! She had him on his knees and then...Rafe..." John B trailed off staring at the ground.

His voice cracked several times in between his retelling of the events.

"Rafe? He was there?" Alexandra questioned as her eyes met John B's. She was confused as to why Rafe was being mentioned. She stood still for moment before beginning to pace.

"R-Rafe he..." John B choked up as he struggled to talk.

"Is he okay? Is the blood his?" Alexa persisted wanting to know. Her thoughts raced. Maybe Peterkin had to kick his ass, or he tried fighting John B. She hoped he was okay as it seemed like a lot of blood. Maybe-

"Rafe shot Peterkin."

The Pogues fell silent, basking in the information.

Alexandra's pacing stopped as did all the thoughts running through her head. She felt her breath get caught up.

It wasn't possible. She had just talked to Rafe, he was at the summer house by the pier.

"N-no way" She shook her head letting out a small unconvinced chuckle. She saw him at the summer house by the pier.

Rafe had issues, he struggled with his drug abuse, he struggled with his daddy issues, but he wasn't- he couldn't be a possible murderer.

She had just left him at the house by the pier.

"No?" John B sharpley responded, snapping his head towards her.

The rest watched the two friends intently.

"I-I mean are you sure it was Rafe?" She hated asking the question. Maybe deep inside she could believe it, but that didn't mean she wanted to.

"Am I sure? What, do you think I did it instead?!" John B angrily walked towards her.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2023 ⏰

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