❀ Alexandra Gonzalez Whittemore ❀

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     Italics= Scene

     Bold= John B's Narration

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Next is Alexandra Gonzalez Whittemore, she's practically my sister. My dad and her mom were best friends since they were in high school. Therefore me and her are inseparable.

"Why is your name John B?" 7 year old Alexa questioned the boy as they sat at the dock licking their ice cream.

"I dunno why is yours Alexandra?"

"That's not what I was saying, I mean why is it John and B? You have to pick one, John or B, which one?"

"John B."

"That's so stupid!" Alexandra quickly clasped her hand over mouth as the word left her mouth.
John B's mouth went into an O, staring at his friend in shock.

"Did you just say that word?" John B's eyebrows were up due to the shock. He couldn't believe Alexa had said the S word.

"Shhhh you can't tell anyone. John B I'm sorry please don't tell on me." Alexa grabbed the boys arm making sure he wouldn't go anywhere. She'd have to throw him in the water if he tried to leave. There was no way she was risking a whooping.

"Okay I'll make you a deal. I get to say it and you won't tell my dad. Deal?" John B stuck out his hand.

"Deal." Alexa did their handshake snapping at the end. Well Alexa couldn't really snap so it's more like her thumbs made a soft rubbing noise while John B snapped.

"Okay ready? Here it goes, this ice cream is stupid." He whispered softly, the two giggled softly.

"Your shoes are stupid John B."

"Al your shirt is stupid."

"Shut up" Alexa laughed causing John B to laugh as well.

"No you shut up....stupid." John B smiled wide.

"If I'm stupid you're extra stupid, especially since your name is John B, not just John or not just B." The girl smirked softly while taking a bite of her cone.

"If I can't be John B you can't be Alexandra. You can only be Alex or Andra."

"That doesn't even make sense." The girl shook her head.

"Well it does to me."

The two always bickered, over any matter. They loved picking fights and taking it to the next level even if it wasn't that big of a deal.

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