a week...

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I haven't been to school in a week because I got a tip off from one of my....associates that some gang I've had to deal with in the past with the Yakuza found out what my eyes look like and that I attend UA. I guess I was overreacting but biometric scanning can be a real quirk and also I didn't feel like going to school anyways. All I had to do was talk to Mr. Aizawa and he said, "Whatever just don't fall behind," and went back to sleep.

Mina's been texting me and telling me what I've been missing and I don't know why she mentioned this, but she told me Bakugou and Tsuyu have been getting 'closer', i don't know what the fuck that is suppose to mean but I said okay and went on with my life. While I was gone I also did my hair in some box braids down to my lower back.

 While I was gone I also did my hair in some box braids down to my lower back

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I even lowered my standards and started posting on Tiktok. After my first video my following and all that other stuff blew up. Not literally, but I just used the most popular sound at the moment, it went something like,

'She acting like an addict uh
Thicker than Andy Richter
I met the boy in a 6 but
Measurements was in the 6 uh.' A few people thought I was black fishing though, but its fine because I just ✨blocked and reported✨ them.

Anyways right now I am laying on the couch watching Haikyuu and petting Cat, that's my cat's name...Cat. He said he wanted his name to be Leopold, but I told him, "That sounds like some 29 year old white guy's name in the United States that's still bragging how he got accepted into Harvard , but declined cause he wanted to 'travel'." So we agreed on the name Cat or Mr. Cat. He didn't want to listen to my food intake recommendations while I was gone so now he is a chubby baby.

Me: Mr. Cat if you gain more weight you won't be able to find a mate.


Me: ohhh so you'll stay with me foreverrrrr.

Mr. Cat: On second thought lemme get on KittyTinder.


I start shoving Mr

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I start shoving Mr. Cat off my bed and begin to throw him out of the window. "AHHHH WAITWAITWAITWAITWAIT IM JUST KIDDING!" I put him down. "That's what I thought." I thought I heard him murmur something but before I could say anything the doorbell rang. 'Lucky cat.'

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