first day

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○Thoughts= '...'
○Underlined means a change is POV or an action using your quirk

Since I already know who got in I didn't take anytime opening the acceptance letter. After I got dressed in my uniform, I left my house only to come to a nervous looking purple boy. 'Oh thats Shinsou.'

"Are you okay?"

Shinso POV:

I still can't believe I got into the HERO COURSE. What if they made a mistake, I'm not hero material. Shit im going to be late on my first day.

Before I leave I wake up Dad. 'How come he gets to be late and I don't. Just walks in class with a sleeping bag and still gets paid.' "Wake up I'm leaving and don't be too late to class." I receive a grunt as a goodbye and as I reaching the station I still can't help but think, 'My quirk is too villainy' or 'They made a mistake.

"Are you okay?" That scared the living daylights out of me. I turn around and see Y/N. She looks really pretty, even though she seems mean and serious, the fact that I always catch her reading romance novels is kinda cute.

"Oh yea I'm fine. What class are you in." I feel my ears get hot. Am I really that anxious to find out if she is in my class,"1A."

"Same." I calm down my nerves and turn on some music as me and Y/N walk to the station together.


Me and Shinsou get on the train and just sit there, not talking. I'm reading and listening to music. 'This novel seems very unrealistic. How can two people fall in love so fast? I've known the old lady at the cat cafe for all my life, she even took me in, but I wouldn't say I love her. I guess I could ask Shinsou about it since he might know.' It aggravates me, love is one THE ONLY thing i cannot comprehend about people, I mean being able to risk your life for someone based off of a feelings seems dumb if you ask me. All of a sudden I feel a tap on my shoulder that makes me jump a little.

"I don't like being touched. What is it?"

"Sorry, but we are here." I nod in response and we get off.

As I'm walking behind Shinsou I hear a loud...growl? Wtf. As I look up I see Bakugou or as I like to call him by his various nicknames, Pomeranian, Pompom, weird looking cat, and angry dog. "Watch where you're going you damn extra." I hate rude people. And he's yelling at Shinsou.

As I was about to speak I hear purple hair say, "Maybe you should do the same." I didn't know he could stand up for himself, I mean I read his thoughts every now and then and they sound kinda wimpy.

"What the hell did you just-" I cut him off.

"Can you stop yelling and cussing so much. Your voice gives me a headache." I grab Shinsou and we continue walking, leaving an angry pomeranian with sparks flying from his hands. I remember he has some explosion quirk. It really matches his personality.

Once me and Shinsou make it to a huge door that says 1A we open it and see that we are the first ones there. We take a seat next to each other by the windows and wait. As more people come in I turn off my quirk because damn these people's thoughts are either loud or annoying or both.

As I'm nearing the end of my book I hear yelling, look up and see Bakugou arguing with a boy with glasses. 'Thats Iida right? Little brother of Ingenium, their quirk are rather similiar.' I look back down at my book and when I'm finished I see a broccoli boy in the doorway with a yellow caterpillar behind him. 'Wtf kinda school is this.'

I see the caterpillar turn into a human. 'Must be our teacher, he look like Shinsou, but more....tired.'

"It took 8 seconds for yall to get quiet time is precious, now put these on." He throws some uniforms at us and tells the class to meet outside. I was the first one out and as people gathered I turn back on my quirk and a whole bunch of thoughts came flooding in.

What Is Love? (Shinsou x Black Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now