first day pt.2

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As I stare out the window, I start to think...'What is love?' And I know I actually ask myself this question a lot, but it really is one of the world's most unsolved question and I intend to solve it. I just need to figure out how. I mean it's not like a math problem, trust me if it was I would've solved it by the age of 10 and its deeper than some philosophical question. My thoughts get interupted when I hear All Mights come in talking about how he is normal or whatever. I start playing with my curly/coily hair that I put into a messy bun[or loose puff for those whose hair just don't go like that]. As All Mighys informs us about our costumes that we got to design about battling each other I feel a tap on my shoulder. I didn't mind at the moment because I was in deep thought. It was Shinsou.

"Are you okay Y/N you seem in a daze almost?" I look into his eyes with my blank expression.

"I'm fine, just thinking." Right after saying that All Might tells us to get dressed for our battles.

I didn't put too much effort into my costume because I mean it's not like my quirk really needs anything too special with my costume, even when I turn into different animals and living things, my clothes don't get damaged or anything. So I'm the first girl out wearing a black bodysuit made out of like 20 percent spandex for stretch with a f/c utility belt that contains mini needles and a few first aid equipment things such as mini a alcohol bottle, mini bandages and cotton pads, along with a few hallucination powders, that I can use my quirk with.

As I'm waiting I am already told who my partner is and who we will be going up against. I give an evil smirk knowing I'll be going up against Bakugou and with Shinsou as my teammate.


After the first two groups went me and Shinsou are assigned as Hero's and we have to beat Bakugou and
Hagakure. I've already found a way to disable Bakugou and Hagakure, but with Shinsou as long as he doesn't get in the way we should win easily. Once I go over the plan with Shinsou the time is up and we go into the mini labyrinth. I turn on my quirk as hear Bakugou's thoughts. 'He's going in for an attack already?' I grab Shinsou and we dodge Bakugou's explosion. 'Jeez does he want to win or kill us?'

"Why are you running, you scared?" I hear Bakugou's cocky voice.

"No." Shinsou retaliates.

"Then-" Bakugou is stopped as Shinsou uses his quirk to control him, but it doesn't last long. 'For an idiot he sure is strong minded.'

But this gave me just the right amount to of time to get behind Bakugou with teleportation and chop him in the neck, making him faint.

"It shouldn't last too long, so let's go." I tell Shinsou as me and him run.

We get to the 'bomb', but then I hear Shinsou get startled. I know immediately its Hagakure. I use thermal sensors to see her and sure enough she is right in front of me. So I do what every 'bad bitch'-I think I used that term correctly- would do and I chop her on the side of the neck like I did Bakugou. She didn't think I saw her saw she was a bit surprised. And I tied her up, but we didn't hear anyone say it was over so I turn around as see Shinsou gone. "Dammit." I mutter under my breath.

Bakugou pops out and almost blasts me with his explosions, but I create a shield using telekinesis with all the debris he created and change the material from rock to concrete to shield myself from his explosions and sending them back.
This went on for about two minutes when I saw that the time was almost out. So I decide to end this and I throw the shield at Bakugou and in the same second, run towards him. Because he is trying to dodge the shield, he doesn't notice me. So I become invisible and land a punch to his gut.


I find shinsou knocked out around the corner. I wake him up and tell him we won. He seems sad, but I know it's because he feels like he was useless. So I assure him that that's not true because at the beginning when he used his quirk it was a good distraction for me to get to Bakugou.

As we walk out i hear a few cheers and Kirishima say, "Wow Y/N what you did in there was very manly!" I gave a faint smile and say thank you.


The day is over and we all head to our new dorms, most people start making plans this weekend about going to get decorations for their dorms together. Mina and Kirishima invited me and I said I'd think about it. I don't really have much energy to deal with people on the weekend. Plus Bakugou is going with them as we and I don't feel like dealing with him, although it is entertaining to hear his childish thoughts.

As I lay in bed, I hear a few commotion going on, I check the time seeing it is only 7:32 pm, so it's probably everybody getting something to eat. I decided to stay in my room, because I'm not that hungry but I hear a knock on my door.

I opening to see a semi-angry Bakugou. Now that I see it, he isn't too much taller than me, maybe an inch or two taller. I look in his eyes and ask what does he want. With this action he seems angrier,but calmer at the same time. Wth is up with this dude. I would read his mind, but I don't want to overuse my quirk for the day.

"They are asking if you want food." He looks me in the eye and almost immediately looks down.

"Not really, but thanks for aski-" without finishing he just drags me in the kitchen and tells me to not leave.

"Ugh I said I wasn't hungry." I roll my eyes.

"Well thats too damn bad Y/N, I haven't seen you eat all day!" Mina yells from the living room, stuffing her face.

"Well can I at least get up Bakugou, I wanna make my own food."

"Like Raccoon eyes said, Thats too damn bad, I already made food now shut up."

"Ughhhh finneeeeee." I reply.

All of a sudden I smell something familiar. Its...UDONNNN. I immediately jolt up and go into the kitchen near Bakugou.

"What the hell is your problem?" I hear him but instead of responding I push him out of the way to get to my udon. I feel my mouth start salivating as I see it perfectly made in front of me.

"Who made this?" I ask.

"I DID DUMBASS, DONT EVER PUSH ME AGAIN." I almost asked him to marry me, if he can make udon smell this good, just imagine how good it TASTES. I can't wait.

Yeah, yeah is it done yet."

"YEAH, BUT DAMN IF I KNEW THIS WAS YOUR REACTION I WOULD'VE LET YOU STARVE!" I look at him with puppy eyes as my entire personality changes.

"I'm sorryyyy, THANK YOU POMPOM!" I start making my bowl.

"OI WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST CALL ME!" Oops I forgot not to say that out loud, oh well

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"OI WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST CALL ME!" Oops I forgot not to say that out loud, oh well.

"Shhhhhh you are disturbing the udon." I shush him as I pray over my food.

"Tch- what do you do worship it? You know I made it right, so technically you worship me." He grins at me evilly and with all seriousness I respond.

"Well then...I guess I do." He his stunned I would say something so bold.

"Tch- whatever just enjoy your food." He really isn't that bad. Just a tsundere is all.

A/N- Now that I look back at this it sounds more like a Bakugouxreader, but its not😂. Next chapter Shinsou will be more active.

What Is Love? (Shinsou x Black Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now