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I go crazy, Monday to Sunday.

With a smirk plastered on his lips, Younghoon stared at Hyunjae with his brows wiggling, obviously teasing the latter.

"Stop doing that!" Hyunjae screamed across him.

"Stop doing that," Younghoon mocked before sticking his tongue out on Hyunjae.

The latter glared at him. "When will you stop?" Hyunjae asked in a pissed manner.

Younghoon hummed lowly with his index finger pointing on his lower lip. "When you confess to her, I guess?"

"Why would I confess to her?" Hyunjae sarcastically asked before he let out a huff.

"It's because you like her. Just simple as that."

"Who does Hyunjae like?"

Both Younghoon and Hyunjae looked up above the staircase, only to find Junhee's head peeping on a wall.

"Since when did you learn on how to eavesdrop on the conversation of others?" Hyunjae asked the elder with an eyebrow raised.

"Just right now," Junhee responded as he showed himself and quickly ran down the stairs. "So, who do you like?" he asked Hyunjae as he sat beside Younghoon on the floor.

"I don't like someone," Hyunjae huffed.

Junhee wiggled his index finger in front of Hyunjae's eyes. "Don't you dare lie in front of me, Lee Jaehyun. You know that your eyes can't lie."

"Only his mouth is the big liar," Younghoon added.

Junhee quickly nodded his head in agreement with his eyes still fixed on Hyunjae. "So, who is that lucky girl?" he asked.

Younghoon then huffed, preventing himself to laugh. "More like, the unlucky girl," he mumbled.

Junhee then shot a glare on the latter. "Don't be mean to him. This is the first time that he liked someone."

"One of the reasons why I call that girl unlucky," Younghoon explains, but he let out a sigh after. "Don't mind me. Just go ahead with him," he told Junhee.

"So, who is that girl?" Junhee asks Hyunjae with his eyes sparkling in excitement.

"Why are you so damn curious?" Hyunjae huffed.

"Because I am curious," Junhee responded with gritted teeth, but he let out a smile after. "Tell me or tell me?"

Younghoon scoffed out of impatient as he adjusted himself on the floor.

"He likes Yujin," Younghoon answered instead.

Junhee's eyes widened before he face palmed himself.

"Bro, you are too damn late to like her."

Younghoon and Hyunjae both shared looks before their gaze landed on Junhee.

"What do you mean?" the two boys asked the elder in chorus.

"That guy living with the twins," Junhee began. "He likes Yujin."

Younghoon rolled his eyes before clapping his hands above his head. "Another false information came out of Park Junhee's mouth!" he yelled throughout the house.

"Dude, I'm not lying," Junhee defended, making Younghoon to stop clapping his hands.

"How can you be so sure about that?" Hyunjae asked. "I don't even see you talking to one of them."

"Stop talking to him. All the things that he say are lies," Younghoon said in disgust.

Junhee scoffed before pointing to himself. "Did I lie when I said that I am handsome?"

"That's another lie for today," Younghoon whispered while nodding his head.

Another scoff came out of Junhee's mouth before he rested his head on Younghoon's shoulder.

Hyunjae sighed as he hugged his knees. He then rested his chin on top of it.

"She likes Sunwoo."

Both Younghoon and Junhee straightened their back as they looked at Hyunjae with wide eyes.

"She- what?!"

"Where did you get that information?!"

Hyunjae let out a sigh again before burying his face in between his arms.

"When Sangyeon and Sunwoo found me on that day, Yujin was so shocked and she asked me if I know Sunwoo."

"So, what did you say?" Junhee asked.

"I told her the truth," Hyunjae responded. "I told her that Sunwoo is my best friend and that I am living with him."

"And what did she say after that?" Younghoon asked.

"She told me that she has a crush on Sunwoo."

"Holy moly crap."

"I can't believe this."

Hyunjae lifted his head up and looked at the two shocked boys in front of him. He slightly laughed at their reaction.

"What's with the face? It looks like the two of you are more affected than me," Hyunjae said with a slight laugh.

"Wait, you're not even hurt?" Younghoon asked, in which Hyunjae immediately shook his head as a response.

"Why would I be hurt?" he questions the latter.

"Unbelievable," Junhee breathed out. "You're not hurt even a bit?"

Hyunjae shrugged his shoulders. "Yeah, maybe a little bit. But I'm fine."

"I'll just wait until you get more insane," Younghoon spoke.

"Wait for it," Hyunjae jokingly said.

Junhee let out a sigh before resting his head on Younghoon's shoulder again.

"Jae, I think it is much better if you confess to her as soon as possible."

Hyunjae immediately froze after hearing Junhee's words.

"This may be the first time that you liked someone, but that is not a reason for you to not confess to her," Junhee added.

"Junhee got a point," Younghoon agrees. "It is much better to confess rather than hiding your real feelings."

Hyunjae only looked at the two boys in front of him with sad eyes.

"The more you hide your feelings for her, the deeper you'll fall," Junhee spoke.

"And when you fall damn hard, you know what will happen," Younghoon said with a shrug.

That made Hyunjae think deep.

Sure, it is hard for him to confess since he'll be doing it for the first time. He isn't afraid of confessing his feelings to her. The only problem is that, he doesn't know how to do it.

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