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I breathe through you.

"Damn, you look so good!" Kevin complimented.

"He doesn't have to dress this good," Donghun commented, making Kevin to slap his arm.

"First impressions are important!"

"Enough with the fixing," Hyunjae complained as he tried to get Kevin's hand away from his shirt.

Junhee then entered the room and let out a snort after seeing Hyunjae.

"Guess who grew some balls today, hmm?" Junhee teased.

Hyunjae glared at Junhee, making the latter to stifle a laugh.

"Aside from growing some balls today, you definitely look good," Junhee complimented. "Anyways, do you have any clue about who you are meeting with?"

Hyunjae huffed. "How would I know if you guys were the ones who set this up?"

"That's the reason why it is called a blind date, you idiot," Junhee deadpanned. "All I could do is to pray for you."

Kevin then nudged Hyunjae on the side. "Tell us about your date later when you get home, alright?"

"I'd rather stitch my own mouth-"

Before Hyunjae could even finish his own sentence, Donghun pushed him towards the opened door.

"You better be early," Junhee told Hyunjae with a wink.

"Always remember, first impressions are important," Kevin added.

"Y'all are acting like professionals when it comes to these things" said Hyunjae.

Kevin rolled his eyes. "Duh, at least we have balls."

Hyunjae wasn't about to fire back, but Junhee covered his mouth.

"Okay, that's enough. You still have a blind date to attend, Mr. Hyunjae," Junhee told the latter as he started pushing him, leading towards the stairs.

"Good luck!" Donghun and Kevin both said in unison.


How did I end up being on a blind date? Well, those dudes forced me on texting random numbers until they found a woman around my age.

The reason why they did that? Because they wanted me to forget about my feelings for Yujin.

Now, I am finally going to meet the stranger that I have been texting for two weeks. We did not tell our names to each other back then because we want to do it today. It is a formal way to know each other in person rather than texting.

I tightened my grip on my phone when I took my first step on the park where we are supposed to meet. Nervously, I looked around, trying to spot that someone even though I don't have any idea on how she looked like.

I was frozen know my spot when my eyes found someone that is very familiar to me.

Isn't that Yujin?

I blinked a few times, making sure that I am not seeing things.

She's still there.

I went back to reality when my phone suddenly vibrated as I received a message someone who I am meeting with. She said that she is wearing dress that is colored in coral.

I looked around the park again, trying to find that exact woman who is wearing a coral dress. I spotted no one, not until my eyes landed on Yujin who is sitting on one of the benches while using her phone.

She is the only one wearing a coral dress.

I cursed under my breath as my nervousness started to build up. My palms are now starting to sweat, making me bite my lower lip.

Go for it, Hyunjae. This is your only chance.

I slowly walked towards the bench where she is sitting. I halted my steps in front of Yujin, which caused for her to look up.


I did not utter a single word and just showed her my phone screen that is showing our recent messages to each other. She gasped out of surprise with her eyes widened.

"So, we were texting all this time?" she asked.

I took a seat beside her on the bench, maintaining a distance of one feet.

"Why are you still finding someone to text to if you are dating Sunwoo in the first place?" I asked without even looking at her.

I heard her let out a sigh and it made me nervous.

Did they broke up already?

"The dating wasn't real."

This time, my eyes widened as I looked at her.

"How did you two end up with that pretending?" I asked her curiously.

"Well, we saw the four of you by the counter before we even entered the coffee shop. Sunwoo suggested that thing and asked me if it is okay for me to do that."

I huffed in disbelief. "So, you just agreed on that?"

Yujin nodded her head and it made me chuckle.

"I thought it was easy!" she exclaimed before slightly hitting my arm. "I was so nervous at that time, that's why Sunwoo held my hand."

I shook my head with a smile on my lips, averting my gaze on her once again.

"So, what are we gonna do now?" I asked. "I thought I'd find love because of this texting, but I was wrong."

"Hyunjae, you can't find love through text."

"Then why did you text me back?" I asked, finally looking at her.

"Because I felt a strong connection."

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