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Please act like you didn't see, it's just this one time.

Sunwoo was leaning at the wall of the guardhouse while twirling his opened umbrella under the pouring rain. He is waiting for Sangyeon who is inside the guardhouse, checking on the CCTV footage at the end of the fifth block before and during the rain poured hard.

Moments later, Sangyeon poked his head out of the door and told Sunwoo to come inside. Sunwoo didn't utter a single word and just obeyed. He closed his umbrella and left it outside before pushing himself inside the guardhouse.

"Here's the footage before the rain started," the guard tells them before playing the footage on the computer.

The two boys intently watched the footage. Then Sangyeon immediately paused the video when a girl approached Hyunjae.

"Who is that girl," Sangyeon mumbled.

"Wait, let me see," the guard said as he looked closely to the footage. "Oh, it was the nice girl living on the twelfth block. She is Kang Yujin."

Sangyeon then resumed on watching the footage until Yujin left, along with Hyunjae.

"She just helped him, thank goodness," Sangyeon said out of relief.

"I know where exactly she lives," Sunwoo abruptly said.

"Good then!" Sangyeon exclaimed. "Thank you for letting us watch the footage," he tells the guard.

"No problem," the guard said with a smile. "Careful on not to get soaked by the rain, you boys might get sick."

"We will," Sangyeon reassured before him and Sunwoo exited the guardhouse.

"Hyunjae is in hell right now," Sunwoo spoke as he opened his umbrella.

Sangyeon cocked an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"Yujin has a twin brother, and that twin brother of hers and Hyunjae are literally enemies, like since grade school," Sunwoo responded.

"Is that guy living here too?"

"Obviously," Sunwoo breathed out. "We need to get Hyunjae as soon as possible."

"So, you're telling me that you and Chan are enemies ever since you were kids?"

Hyunjae only nodded his head while pushing his lips on a thin line.

"Well, I wouldn't be surprised if the whole world hates him," Yujin laughed. "He is a complete ass."

Hyunjae snorted on his seat and immediately covered his mouth after realizing what he just did.

"Did you grow up with Yuchan?" Hyunjae asked.

"No," Yujin responded. "I was raised in the province and I moved here in the city for over a year already."

"That's why I never got to see you before."

"Now you're seeing me," Yujin joked. "Anyways, how are you feeling?"

Hyunjae gave her a thumbs up with a bright smile on his lips.

"Why are you even lying down on the sidewalk earlier? I really thought you were dead."

Hyunjae scratched the back of his neck. "Actually, I am living with my best friend. His house is on the third block, kinda far away from here. We invited some of our friends to come over and decided to play spin the bottle. If the opening of the bottle points at at any one of us, they will do a dare."

"Were you the first one to do the dare?"

"Yeah," Hyunjae responded shyly. "One of my friends dared me to lie down for five minutes on the sidewalk where you found me. That time, it was really about to rain and they told me that I don't have to finish the whole five minutes and just get up from the ground if the rain starts."

"So basically, you still did the dare even though it was raining hard already. You're insane," Yujin exclaimed.

"I heard them screaming while running away before the rain even poured hard," Hyunjae frowned. "They are bunch of traitors."

"They are your real friends, I can tell by that," Yujin said with a slight laugh.

Before Hyunjae could even speak, the sound of doorbell rang.

"Just a moment," Yujin told him as she made her way towards their front door.

She opened the door and saw two guys standing outside their front gate with an umbrella above their head. Only a few raindrops are falling off from the light gray clouds above.

"Excuse me," Sangyeon spoke, loud enough for Yujin to hear. "Have you brought home the guy that you found lying down on the sidewalk earlier?"

Yujin quickly nodded her head and looked back to Hyunjae.

"Hey, Hyunjae!" she called out. "Come here!"

Hyunjae stood up from his seat with the towel still wrapped around him. His eyes then landed on Sangyeon and Sunwoo who is standing outside the front gate. He immediately smiled after seeing the two boys outside.

"If I'm not mistaken, you're looking for him, right?" Yujin asked the two boys while pointing at Hyunjae.

"Yes, it's him," Sangyeon responded with a smile.

"Can I speak a word to him for a minute before he leaves?" Yujin asked the two.

"Yeah, sure. Just go on," Sangyeon tells her.

Yujin then immediately wrapped an arm on Hyunjae's shoulders and turned around, their backs facing Sangyeon and Sunwoo.

"You said that you are living with your best friend on the third block, right?" Yujin asked.

"Yeah," Hyunjae responded. "What about it?"

"Then, Kim Sunwoo is your best friend?"


"Oh my goodness, I wanna scream."

Hyunjae gave Yujin a confused look, in which the girl returned with a grin.

"I have a crush on him ever since he helped me on carrying my luggage when I moved in this house," Yujin whispered. "He is such a gentleman and a cutie."

Hyunjae then let out a fake laugh before saying, "He's a freaking devil, Yujin."

"Eh? He looks nice though."

'Yujin is my enemy's twin sister and now she said that she has a crush on my best friend? I'm going insane,' Hyunjae thought to himself.

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