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Why do I want you? Why you?

"I can't believe that you still did not ask her out," Kevin mouthed out in disbelief.

Hyunjae only chuckled while lying down on the floor, eyes fixated on the ceiling.

"That's the next thing that he would do after confessing," said Sunwoo.

"By the way, when will you confess to her?" Junhee asks Hyunjae. "It has been two months since you two met at the park, then you always text each other after that."

Kevin let out a slight laugh. "Bro, not just texting, but they are always calling each other."

Hyunjae abruptly sat up on the floor and looked at the guys in front of him.

"Actually, we haven't talked to each other for almost three days now," Hyunjae admitted. "She hasn't visited the coffee shop either."

"Why don't you try to visit the shop that she is managing?" Kevin suggested.

Junhee turned his head to Sunwoo. "Hey, do you know where is that shop located?"

The boys all had their eyes on Sunwoo, waiting for the youngest boy to respond.

"How would I know where her shop is?" Sunwoo asked them back with an eyebrow raised.

Kevin shook his head in disapproval. "You're no use on this."

Sunwoo then huffed. "Look at their state right now because of my stupid plan," he spats on Kevin. "Just a few more steps and-"

"Wait, what plan?"

Sunwoo immediately covered his mouth, wanting to slap himself for a thousand times for getting himself caught.

Kevin and Junhee looked at each other before swiftly standing up.

"We'll just get some snacks downstairs."

"Yeah, yeah. We'll be back in a few."

The two boys hurriedly exited Sunwoo's bedroom, slamming the door shut behind them.


Sunwoo swallowed the growing lump on his throat after Hyunjae spoke again.

"This was all my plan," he confessed.

"I want you to point them out."

Sunwoo slowly exhaled, trying to release the nervousness inside him.

"The fake date and the texting."

Hyunjae crawled on his way beside Sunwoo who is also seated on the floor. He then forced Sunwoo to face him as he grabbed the collar of his shirt.

"How did you come up with the texting?"

Sunwoo sighed again for the nth time as he averted his gaze on his best friend.

"The first three numbers that we texted are all unknown, but the fourth one was actually Yujin's."

"So, you have her number all this time?"

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