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I guess I have to hurt a little more.

With a sigh, Sunwoo readied himself. He was about to press the doorbell, but the front door busted open before he could even do so.

"Yo, why so early?" Sehyoon asks the younger as he opened the door wider.

"It is already ten in the morning."

"I'll be direct to you, okay? Yuchan is not here."

Sunwoo scratched his nape before letting out a sigh again.

"Also, Yujin isn't here."

With his eyes widened, Sunwoo looked at Sehyoon in shock.

"Where is she?"

Sehyoon playfully huffed before shaking his head.

"Did you mean, where are they?"

The younger boy was about to ask again, but it looks like Sehyoon already knew what he was going to ask.

"Apparently, their parents wanted to see them for a bit," Sehyoon explained. "And yes, the twins left."

"I'm so fucked up," Sunwoo muttered under his breath.

Sehyoon tilted his head in confusion. "What? Why?"

"I need to fix all the things that I messed up."

"Is it about the 'fake date'?"

"This is about Yujin and Hyunjae-"

"Whoa, why is Hyunjae involved here?" Sehyoon questioned.

"Because Hyunjae likes her," Sunwoo simply said.

Sehyoon let out a squeal, but he immediately acted cool after.

"You know, I have been shipping those two ever since," he whispered on Sunwoo. "I was quite annoyed on Hyunjae when I first saw him, but he's actually nice."

Sunwoo cleared his throat. "So, are you willing to help me to get them together?"

While nodding his head, Sehyoon had some thoughts. "We have a problem, Sunwoo. If you know what I mean."

Sunwoo hummed. "I definitely know what you mean."

"Kang Yuchan," they said in chorus.

The boys all sat in circle as they stared at each other with blank faces.

Byeongkwan had his eyes looking from left to right, waiting for one of them to say something.

Donghun met Byeongkwan's eyes. He eyed the younger, telling him to break the silence. But before Byeongkwan could even speak, Junhee opened his mouth first.

"Okay, Kim Sehyoon," Junhee called out. "What brought you here?"

"I can explain everything," Sunwoo chimes in.

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