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So let me hold you closer.

"Does everyone have an umbrella already?" Sangyeon asks the boys.

"I guess we all have," Donghun responded.

"Great, let's pick up Hyunjae now," Jacob spoke.

"Junhee, stop fucking sulking there at the corner," Byeongkwan tells Junhee who is sitting by the corner while holding his camcorder.

"Fuckers," Junhee cursed before facing the boys. "I'm not going anymore," he tells them.

"What a kid," Sunwoo mumbled before going outside first, along with the umbrella that he is holding.

"We will be back immediately," Donghun told Junhee before they left him all alone inside the house.

The boys went outside while holding their umbrellas up above their heads. The rain is still pouring hard as the skies are still covered in dark clouds.

"I'll make a run to quickly check on Hyunjae on the fifth block," Changmin tells them. He didn't wait for a response and just sprinted away with his umbrella.

Changmin finally reached the destination, which is the last corner of the fifth block where they left Hyunjae. Much to his surprise, there was no single sign of Hyunjae.

He let out a high-pitched scream. Despite the strong pouring rain, the boys heard it and immediately ran their way at the end of the fifth block.

All of them gasped with their eyes widened when they only saw Changmin standing alone while staring at the wet sidewalk where Hyunjae laid earlier.

"Did he find some shelter or what?" Kevin asked out of panic.

"There aren't any shelters outside, unless he barged on one of the houses here," Donghun spoke while looking around.

"What if someone mistook him as a dead person and brought him somewhere," Byeongkwan exclaimed.

"And they are going to sell his internal organs," Kevin added. "Somebody definitely took him- I mean, who wouldn't take the freaking handsome and one and only Lee Jaehyun lying on the sidewalk. I'd also get him if I saw him here."

"Why am I even friends with these bunch of idiots," Sunwoo mumbled quietly.

"Quit messing around," Sangyeon tells them. "We have to find Hyunjae as soon as possible."

"This is your fault!" Byeongkwan spats at Donghun.

Donghun then pointed to himself before asking, "What the hell did I do?"

"You are the one who gave the dare to Hyunjae," Sunwoo chimed in.

"But it wasn't my fault when he decided to stay there even if it's raining already," Donghun defended.

"Quiet down!" Sangyeon yelled. "There is no time for blaming anyone because neither of us wanted this to happen, okay? Let's split up and do our thing."

"I'll go with Kevin," Younghoon spoke for the first time since they went outside. "We will be checking the sixth block until the end of the thirteenth block."

"I'm going with Byeongkwan and we will be checking the first few blocks back there until here on the fifth block," Donghun presented.

"Sunwoo?" Sangyeon called out to the younger.

"We will be going to the guardhouse and ask nicely if we could get to watch the CCTV footage here at the end of fifth block before the rain started," Sunwoo stated in a cold manner.

"Alright, let's get it!" Kevin exclaimed.


I am literally freezing to death right now. I never expected that this rain would bring this much cold.

"Are you feeling that cold?"

I looked at the angel- I mean, the girl who is sharing her umbrella with me.

"N-no, not at all."

Why did I fucking stutter?!

"Why do you always deny the obvious?" she spats at me before I felt her arm wrapping on my back as she gently pulled me closer to her.

I wanna hug her. She feels so warm.

"Finally home," she said as we stopped in front of a familiar house. "Can you hold the umbrella for a while? I'll just open the gate."

I immediately held the umbrella and worked on opening the gate with one hand because her other arm is still wrapped around my back. I then looked again at the house.

This house looks familiar. Oh wait, what block are we in?

"Hey," I called out to her.

"What is it?"

"What block are we exactly in?" I asked.

"Twelfth," she responded while still working on the gate.

Twelfth block... oh shit, this can't be happening.

"Geez, they literally locked it from the inside," I heard her mumbled.

I need to leave, oh my goodness.

"H-hey, thanks for helping me, but I really need to go," I told her as I tried to hand back her umbrella.

She then looked at me worriedly before pulling me closer to her.

"You're not leaving until the rain stops. You will be sick if you leave right now while the rain is still pouring hard."


"Just let me help you, okay? Don't worry about it."

I'm worried on who's inside the house, damn it!

"Yuchan!" she abruptly yelled.

That name, holy crap. I hope the devil would drag me to hell right now.

I immediately covered my face using both of my palms.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

I shook my head in response.

"Yuchan! Hurry up and open the door!"

After that, I could only hear the pouring rain, but sloppy footsteps immediately followed.

"Who is that?" I heard a male voice asked. "I mean, yeah, come in first."

I felt her walking, so I immediately followed her steps.

"Can I just go?" I asked behind my palms.

"No," she quickly responded. "Take off your shoes."

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