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It's weird, this doesn't feel strange, even the scars I got from you.


"Hey, wait up!"

I ignored Younghoon and took my pace faster.

"Jae! I need you to slow the fuck down!"

Just ignore him.

"Lee Jaehyun! For Pete's sake, goddammit!"

With a sigh, I halted on my steps.

"We're not going to Sunwoo's."

I looked at Younghoon in confusion. "Why?" I asked.

"Let's go to my place," he said before dragging me on the opposite way. "I wouldn't let you two see each other for some time."

"Dude, seriously," I breathed out. "I'm not going to kill that kid just because he dated the girl that I like—"

"That's not my point," he cuts me off while still dragging the shit out of me. "It would only hurt you more if you see him with Yujin."

"I'm fine."

"No, you're not. Even at the sound of your voice, it's pretty obvious that you wanted to bawl your eyes out."

I bit my lower lip and just let Younghoon to drag through the streets. Most of the people that we passed by are looking at us, confused on why am I being dragged by Younghoon with his feet stomping on every step.

Both if us halted on our steps when my phone suddenly rang. I quickly fished my phone out of my pocket and looked at the screen that is showing the caller ID.

"What?" I asked as I lend my phone on my right ear.

"That was an unexpected greeting, but anyways," Junhee spoke from the other line. "Aren't you and Younghoon crashing here tonight?"

"No," I briefly responded. "We'll just get there tomorrow since tomorrow is our free day."

Junhee hummed. "Another thing, have you two seen Sunwoo? He isn't home yet."

"He visited the shop just as we were done on our shift."

"He did not go with you and Younghoon?"

"That son of a gun is with Yujin and they are out for a date."

I distanced my phone on my ear as I looked at Younghoon surprisingly.

"What do you think you're doing?" I quietly mouthed out to him.

"I'm spilling some tea, you idiot," he spats at me before snatching my phone out of my grip.

"What's happening?" I heard Junhee asked out of confusion after Younghoon turned the call on loudspeaker.

"As soon as Sunwoo gets his ass home, tell him that I need to have a word with him first thing tomorrow morning. You got that, Park Junhee?"

"I got that, sir. Even though I'm confused as hell, I'd still do it."

"Okay, goodnight."

Younghoon handed me back my own phone and he started to walk away after that as if nothing happened.

"Younghoon, you shouldn't have done that," I told him as soon as I caught up with his own pace.

He looked at me with a blank face. "You think I'll just let these things happen to us?" he asked me with an eyebrow raised. "Our friendship is at risk here."

"I already told you that—"

"Just shut up, Hyunjae!"

All I could do is to let out a sigh, knowing that I can't win over him.


I quietly groaned for the hundredth time at this hour of the night. My eyes then landed on Hyunjae who is deep asleep on my bed after bawling his eyes out for over two hours.

My phone that is resting on my lap suddenly vibrated, causing for me to flinch a bit. I looked at the caller ID and saw Sunwoo's name. Without any hesitation, I took my phone and stood up from my seat before walking out of the apartment that I am currently renting on.

"Hey, I called because I was confused on what Junhee told me earlier."

"Since when did you and Yujin started dating?"

I only heard silence on the other line after that.

"I am asking you a damn question, Kim Sunwoo."

"We are dating for a week already," he responded. "Why do you sound pissed? Don't tell me that you like her too?"

I inhaled sharply. "The reason why Hyunjae is being a mess lately is because he knew that the girl he like doesn't like him back. Worse than that, that girl likes his best friend," I explained with my teeth gritting in anger. "Try to put yourself on that fucking situation."

I heard him chuckled on the other line and it made me confused.

"Why are you chuckling?" I asked. "You think that's funny, Sunwoo?"

"I knew it."

"What?" I asked, wanting him to repeat what he just said.

"I already got a hint from the beginning on who does Hyunjae like. Y'all don't want to say any shit, that's why I figured it out myself."

Now, I'm the one who is dumbfounded after hearing those words from Sunwoo.

"On that day, when I told you and Hyunjae that another girl confessed to me, that's true because Yujin confessed to me on that day. I apologized to her and we talked about us, and I'm glad that we'll stay as friends."

I tried to connect the dots and realization hit me so hard.

"So, that was only fake dating?" I asked him sarcastically. "How could you come up with that stupid idea?"

"Just watch, Younghoon."

I huffed in annoyance at what he just said.

"They'll end up together because of this stupid idea of mine, mark my words."

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