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You're so dangerous, I'm breaking down more and more.

With his fingers furiously tapping onto the closed counter, Hyunjae had his eyes on the entrance door of the coffee shop, waiting for a familiar face to show up.

Younghoon, who is standing beside the latter, could only chuckle at the current situation.

"Stop expecting for her presence," he told Hyunjae. "If she's going to visit today, she should've been here earlier. Our shift is about to end in a few minutes already."

"I know she's coming," Hyunjae softly spoke, still having his eyes on the door.

Younghoon shook his head before proceeding to take the orders of the newly arrived customers on the opened counter beside Hyunjae.

"Jae, ya need to serve," Younghoon told Hyunjae as he handed him the list of orders.

Hyunjae let out a sigh before grabbing the list from Younghoon. He then proceeded to take the tray of orders that are placed behind Younghoon.

Just then, the two co-workers that would take over the counter after Hyunjae and Younghoon's shift suddenly arrived.

"Whoa there, Hyunjae. Let me handle those orders," Seokmin spoke as he stole the two trays out of Hyunjae's grip. "To which table?"

"Table four on your left and table seventeen on your right," Hyunjae responded. "Thanks, Seokmin," he added with a smile on his lips.

"Anytime!" Seokmin beamed before taking the orders on the exact tables.

Hyunjae heaved a sigh as he turned back to the counter, only to be greeted by the tall and handsome gentleman himself, Kim Mingyu.

"Yo, handsome boy," Mingyu greeted before him and Hyunjae did their handshake.

"Hey," Hyunjae lazily greeted back.

Mingyu then looked at Hyunjae before he let out a soft chuckle. "You good?" he asked.

Hyunjae hummed with his head nodding slightly.

"What's bothering you?" Mingyu asked, not convinced by Hyunjae's response.

The latter shook his head while taking off his apron. He then went inside the employee's room without another word.

"Okay, now what's with him?" Mingyu asks Younghoon this time.

Younghoon slightly laughed before he responded. "His crush didn't come to visit the coffee shop today."

Mingyu's lips formed into an 'o' shape as he slipped on his apron.

"Who's the girl?"

Younghoon was about to respond, but he was immediately cut off when someone opened the entrance door of the shop while calling out his name.

"Younghoon! Younghoon!"

"That's her," Younghoon secretly told Mingyu before facing the girl. "Yo, you're late."

"I was quite busy today, that's why I didn't have the time to have coffee," Yujin said with a pout. "Oh, hey there, Gyu," she greeted as soon as she noticed Mingyu's presence.

"You should probably visit here at night so that I can see you," Mingyu jokingly tells the girl.

"Oh, you still like me?" Yujin teased.

"That was before, okay?" Mingyu defended himself with his arms up in surrender. "Your brother literally scares me."

"Ah, you got no balls," Younghoon mumbled.

"Yujin!" Seokmin squealed as soon as he saw Yujin. He then engulfed the girl in a tight back hug.

Just then, Hyunjae came out of the employee's room. He froze after closing the door when his eyes found Yujin being hugged by Seokmin.

"Hyunjae!" Yujin called out as soon as he noticed the boy's presence.

With his face remained emotionless, Hyunjae walked up to them.

"What brought you here at this hour?" Seokmin asks the girl, still hugging her from behind with his chin resting on her left shoulder.


I'm getting jealous, darn it. Why can't Seokmin stand on his own feet? He doesn't have to hug her like that.

"Hey, are you coming?"

I turned my head to Younghoon. "Coming? Where?"

He let out a sigh before I heard Mingyu and Seokmin chuckling.

"Yujin invited us to their house. She wanted to watch some movies with the two of us since she doesn't want to be alone before she sleeps."

Is Yuchan and Sehyoon not around?

"Don't worry, Hyunjae."

I turned my head to her when she suddenly spoke.

"Yuchan and Sehyoon aren't around. They'll be back on the day after tomorrow."

That's the reason why she invited me and Younghoon.

Should I reject it?

No, Younghoon would probably still go with her. I don't want her and Younghoon have a movie night together.

Well, it's not that I envy Younghoon, but he might tell how much I like Yujin. He's a traitor sometimes.

"I'm in," I finally agreed.

Seokmin finally released Yujin and it made me breathe in relief.

"That's kinda unfair to Mingyu and I!" Seokmin shrieked, making all of us to cover our ears.

"I maybe am," Yujin said with a shrug before walking towards the exit of the coffee shop. "Jae and Hoonie! Come quick!"

"Better luck next time," Younghoon teased both Mingyu and Seokmin before following Yujin's tracks.

I only gave both of them a small smile before I turned on my hell, but I heard Mingyu called my name.


I looked back, waiting for him to continue.

"Good luck with her."

My eyes widened at what he said. I did not waste any second to run out of the coffee shop. My eyes then landed on Younghoon who is walking behind Yujin.

This bastard can't keep his mouth shut when it comes on secrets.

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