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Why I like you, I don't know.

Sunwoo turned his head on the front door when the doorbell suddenly rang. Junhee, who is seated across the young boy by the kitchen island, also tilted his head with his face painted in confusion.

"Did you invite someone?"

Sunwoo immediately shook his head and continued to eat his bowl of cereal.

"I'll open it," Junhee stated and stood up from his seat.

The doorbell only rang once and it is now replaced with strong knocks that could even break Sunwoo's front door.

"Who the fuck is banging my front door at this early morning?!" Sunwoo growled after coming out of the kitchen with heavy footsteps.

Junhee stepped aside, letting Sunwoo open the door. Sunwoo twisted the doorknob and swiftly opened the door wide.

Hyunjae, who is the one banging the front door, was about to knock loudly, but the door busted open and it made his balled fist to land on Sunwoo's forehead.

That caused the younger boy to step back a few times due to the impact of Hyunjae's fist. Before Sunwoo could stumble down, Junhee successfully caught him and helped him to regain his balance.

"Who the hell was that?" Sunwoo asked in a low voice with his eyes closed and a palm rubbing on his forehead.

Junhee and Hyunjae looked at each other, same for Younghoon and Yujin who are standing behind Hyunjae.

Before Hyunjae could even open his mouth to speak, Yujin immediately pulled him to where she is standing in order for them to exchange positions.

"That was me," Yujin spoke before holding her breath.

Sunwoo was clouded in confusion on why he heard a female voice. He brought his hand down and opened his eyes, only to be greeted by three people in front of him.

"Uh, hi?" Sunwoo awkwardly greeted Yujin.

"Hey," Yujin finally breathed out. "I'm sorry if I knocked too hard-"

"Why would you apologize if you did not do it in the first place?" Sunwoo cuts her off.

There was a thick silence after that. Sunwoo's eyes then landed on Hyunjae. But before anything bad could happen, Junhee pulled Sunwoo back.

"Alright, good morning to you, Yujin," Junhee greeted. "The three of you, please come in."

Sunwoo scoffed. "This isn't your house."

"Just go with flow," Junhee whispered before smiling at the three people who just stepped inside.

"Actually, I need to go home," Yujin tells Junhee. "I just happened to meet these guys on the way while I'm heading home from the convenience store."

"You sure?" Junhee asked.

Yujin hummed. "Have a great day ahead!" she tells the boys before turning on her heel, ready to walk away.

"Wait up."

Everyone's gaze fell on Sunwoo when he abruptly made Yujin to stop walking. The girl looked back at him with her cheeks blushing a light shade of pink.

"Is Sehyoon home?" Sunwoo asks the girl.

"Yep," Yujin quickly responded. "Why though?"

"Great!" Sunwoo exclaimed before quickly rushing upstairs.

The three boys looked at each other in confusion. Meanwhile, Yujin was still shocked that the younger boy spoke to her.

"What the hell just happened?" Junhee questioned out of confusion before his gaze fell on Yujin. "What's with him and Sehyoon?" he asks the girl.

Yujin immediately shook her head, not knowing what to say. Sunwoo then came back downstairs, all dressed up.

"Can I walk you home?" Sunwoo asks the girl. "Sehyoon asked me a favor a week ago and today is my due date to him."

Silence filled the five of them after that. Sunwoo found it awkward, so he cleared his throat.

"So, can I?" asked Sunwoo, his eyes directly looking at Yujin.

"Yeah, sure," Yujin responded with a smile plastered on her lips.

Before Sunwoo could take a step forward, Junhee grabbed the back collar of his shirt in order to stop him.

"When will you be back?" asked Junhee.

Sunwoo shrugged his shoulders. "I can't tell. I'll just send you a text if ever."

After nodding his head, Junhee let go of Sunwoo's collar and took a step back. "Take care," he tells both Yujin and Sunwoo.

"See y'all later," Sunwoo tells the three boys as he stepped outside.

Yujin only waved goodbye to them before her and Sunwoo started to walk on the street.

Silence engulfed the two of them as they walked on the empty street. Yujin had both of her hands on the front, fiddling them furiously out of nervousness because the boy that she likes is just walking behind her.

"You know, I really don't like this kind of atmosphere that is surrounding the both of us," Sunwoo abruptly spoke, breaking the silence in between them.

Yujin slowed down her pace. "Sorry if I'm making it awkward," she apologized.

Sunwoo let out a chuckle and made his steps wider to catch up with her. They are now taking their steps together.

"I know that you lied to me earlier, noona."

Yujin felt her heart pounding against her chest. Not because Sunwoo called her noona, but because he knew that she lied to him.

Sunwoo turned his head to the left and saw Yujin's paled face. It made him laugh for a bit and held in his laughter after.

"So, noona, where did you meet those two?"

"Actually, they had a sleepover at our house," Yujin managed to say.

Sunwoo raised a brow. "And I wasn't invited."

Yujin halted on her steps, Sunwoo did too. Then they looked at each other. Yujin opened her mouth to speak, but Sunwoo spoke first.

"I was just kidding," Sunwoo tells her.

"You were?"

"What k-drama is this?"

Both Yujin and Sunwoo looked in front of them, only to be greeted by Sehyoon who had his arms crossed against his chest while slightly bending his knees as he looked at the two.

"Ugh, killjoy," Yuchan groaned behind Sehyoon.

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