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Why I'm keeping wanting you?

"Why are you so good at this?" asked Sehyoon while holding up Sunwoo's journal. "This one is the best one that you wrote so far," he added.

"That's fire," Yuchan complimented.

Sunwoo dramatically clutched onto his chest. "Should I be tearing up now?"

Yuchan slightly laughed as he stood up from the couch. "I wanted to stay longer, but I need to go."

Sehyoon looked up to the younger with a confused face. "Where are you going?" he asked.

"Back to the company," Yuchan responded. "I just went home with you earlier because I wanna kill some time before our vocal practice for today."

"Would you come home tonight?" asked Sehyoon.

"Maybe not."

"Then, can I take Yujin out?"

Yuchan raised an eyebrow as his gaze pierced on Sehyoon's own. "Are you trying to date her?" he asked the elder.

Sehyoon clicked his tongue before waving his hands in front of Yuchan with a disapproving look all over his face.

"I never said that and I would never date your sister."

"Why are you so defensive even though I'm just kidding?"

"Because you were too serious while saying that."

"What are you two bickering about again?" Yujin asked as she travelled down the stairs.

"This brother of yours expected for me to date you," Sehyoon tells Yujin.

"I'd rather stay single," Yujin deadpanned.

"Same," Sehyoon agrees. "But since you're leaving, I'll just take these two out," he explained to Yuchan while pointing both of his index fingers on Yujin and Sunwoo.

"You'll look like a freaking-"

"Keep talking and I'll cut your tongue off," Sehyoon cuts him off.

Yuchan rolled his eyes before walking off. "Goodbye, kids. Make sure to have fun with your dad later," he teased before completely walking out of the house.

"So," Yujin began. "Are you really taking us out?" she asks Sehyoon.

The eldest nodded his head without any hesitant.

"Great," Sunwoo breathed out. "I'm not spending any money today-"

"I ain't your freaking bank account, Kim Sunwoo."

Donghun let out a groan while rolling himself on Sunwoo's bed.

"Dude, stop. You sound like a dying cow," Byeongkwan tells the latter.

With his head burying on the pillow, Donghun groaned again. "I'm so bored," he spoke.

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