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Once you go away, I don't know when I'll see you again.

The boys finally arrived on the fifth block. No other people were there, except for them.

"Looks like Hyunjae is safe," Donghun said with a slight laugh while looking around the empty block.

"Hmm, I guess not," Sunwoo disagrees while looking up at the sky above them that is covered in thick and gray clouds. "It looks like the rain will fall any time soon."

"Hyunjae," Sangyeon called out. "You can skip the dare if the rain falls while you are doing it. You don't need to be soaked."

"No, I will do it," Hyunjae insisted. "Even if it rains, I would still do it."

"That's the spirit, my friend!" Donghun tells Hyunjae while patting his back.

"Wow, your determination is just so unbelievable," Kevin said in disbelief.

"Just don't blame us when you get sick," Sunwoo said before walking away.

"I'll set the timer," Byeongkwan announced as he set up a timer on his phone in five minutes.

"We will be on the vacant lot by the sixth block," Kevin tells Hyunjae before trailing behind Sunwoo.

"Good luck," Junhee said before the rest of the boys left Hyunjae on the corner of the sidewalk by the fifth block.

"Byeongkwan!" Hyunjae called out. "Don't you dare to cheat on the timer!"

"I won't!" Byeongkwan shouted back. "I'll let Changmin scream if the time is over!"

Hyunjae could only let out a sigh as he watched the boys going on the sixth block wjere they will hide. He then peeked by the corner and saw that the sidewalk was clear. Hyunjae thought that was the great time, so he immediately laid down himself on the cold sidewalk.

"And here we go," Byeongkwan whispered as he pressed the start button of the timer on his phone.

"It looks like he's just relaxing," Donghun laughs while they are watching Hyunjae from afar.

"He's getting some sun," Younghoon spoke.

"What a dumbass," Sunwoo huffed. "How could you say that he's getting some sun when it's about to rain anytime soon."

Younghoon shot a sharp glare on Sunwoo. "Did you just called me a freaking dumbass?"

"Hell yeah, I did. What about it?"

"Shut it out, you two," Sangyeon scolded.

"Where the hell is Junhee?" Kevin asked when he noticed that Junhee isn't with them.

"Right above y'all heads," Junhee spoke up above the tree that is behind the boys. He is sitting on the thick branch while holding a camcorder and focusing it on Hyunjae from afar.

"You brought your camcorder with you? That's great!" Changmin happily exclaimed while clapping his hands.

All the boys fixated their gaze on Hyunjae. All of them were silent. Donghun bit his nails when he saw someone walking on the sidewalk.

"Shit, someone is approaching!" Donghun excitedly said.

"A girl," Younghoon breathed out. "We were just talking about the love of his life earlier."

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