3| You Are Not Barry

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Third POV:

El Bariq set Cecile down in front of Merlyn, who smiled with satisfaction. "Well done, El Bariq, well done." Merlyn clapped his hands. El Bariq constantly reminded him of his son, Tommy, which meant to him a second chance. El Bariq never had his father very long and now he was dead, so Merlyn could maybe be that father. Maybe in time, that would happen, but Merlyn was unsure. El Bariq was now a cold-blooded assassin, so he might be losing his ability to feel anything.

"Thank you, Al Sa-He," El Bariq said, straightening his form. He adjusted the series of knives he had hidden in his suit. He could use any weapon after being taught by the League, but he preferred close-range combat. Combined with his gift, and martial arts, he was pretty much the best assassin ever made. His gift made him virtually undetectable and gave him the time to do what was needed. "Shall I go patrol?"

Merlyn shook his head. "No, hide in the shadows, until I signal you. Team Flash should be here soon," He said.

El Bariq opened his mouth to say something but closed it just as quickly. He should not upset the Ra Al Ghul, no matter how much he wanted to protest. "Yes, sir," He said, stiffly, before disappearing. Merlyn couldn't even sense him so he doubted The Green Arrow would. Maybe Canary, but the likeness of her being here was... unclear.

El Bariq had learned faster than any other assassin, his gift made his brain faster at comprehending what he was learning. He often got the skills right on either the first or second try, he'd even beaten Merlyn, five times! He'd spent a couple of months learning about the League and mastering his feelings as well as the League trying to erase his past at first.

But no one could erase a past like his, no one. Because deep down El Bariq was still that lovable person that he used to be, except now he was tarnished by coldness. He was never going to be the same warm and geeky person again. In the end, maybe that's the way El Bariq wanted it, he'd had so much suffering in his life, that maybe it was better if he that stay buried.

Though, he'd never been that lucky and probably never would be.

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Darkness. Sara could feel nothing as she stepped out of the breach. A building sat up above them at maybe five hundred feet tall? Darkness was wrapped around the building like a sheet, only the moon gave it a light glow. Cisco, Frost, Wally, and Ralph appeared next to them.

Sara looked at the others. Cisco in his Vibe suit, looked like he was trying to unpiece how the building worked. Frost looked bored like she'd rather be fighting. Wally was twitching to run. And Ralph was squinting at the building curiously.

Oliver cleared his throat, "So, find anything else, Wally?"

Wally shook his head as lightning danced around his yellow suit. "No, this graduate assassin is very well skilled. Not a fingerprint, just wires cut and the window opened. No footprints either," He said, looking at Oliver.

Sara put a hand on Oliver's shoulder. "Ollie, it doesn't matter. We're about to save Cecile and find out who this graduate is." She turned back to the building. "Cisco, open a breach."

Cisco's goggles glowed and a breach appeared in front of him. "After you, Oliver."

Frost's eyes flashed. "Whatever happened to ladies first, Vibe?" She snarled, moving forward.

Sara held her hands out. "Time-out guys, we need to be together on this." She put her hand to her ear where the comm that Iris had given her was. "You guys there?"

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