5| The Sparr, The Beloved, The Future, and The Strike

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Third POV:

Barry watched with utter satisfaction as he walked throughout the CCPD, causing chaos. The police were shouting at him to get down, and he threatened to bring the entire place down. He'd knocked out Singh already, but Julian was still pointing a gun at his face. He chuckled. "Now, now, Mr. Albert, I will drive a knife through all of your major arteries, if you don't put that gun down," He said, examining his gloved hands.

Julian lowered the gun slowly. "Why are you doing this, Barry?" He asked quietly, his famous British accent was present, sounding pleading.

Barry rolled his eyes. "First off, that's not my name anymore, second, I'm doing this, because it's my job," he said, as a knife appeared in his hand. "Hurting you will draw out the rest of the team, so now.." A cold smile grew on his face, which seemed to make his masked eyes glow with amusement, slowly pushing Julian onto the floor with his withering stare. Julian looked scared out of his mind, which was racing, trying to find a way to talk Barry out of this... this evil-like state.

"Please, Barry," Julian said, almost begging with the assassin/speedster.

Barry went onto one knee, facing Julian with a glint in his eye. "Don't worry, Julian, it won't cause permanent damage or be fatal. I just need to hurt you enough to get the team here," He whispered. Right as he was about to bring down his blade and tear the tissue, a breach opened, revealing Frost, Sara, Oliver, and Ralph. Moments later, Wally sped into the room. Barry quickly stood, ripping into Julian's flesh with his knife, missing anything major. He just needed to aggravate Frost first, because her ice was the polar opposite of his speed. Julian fell on the floor withering in pain, Barry gave the team his most cold, sadistic smile. "Oops."

Frost surged forward, charging Barry, trying to restrain him before he could do any more harm. Cisco and Ralph cried out, "Frost, wait!" She didn't stop to listen, she was so occupied with trying to charge Barry that she didn't think enough to use her powers. Barry easily grabbed her arms and flung her across the room, knocking her out in the process. Cisco, Ralph, and Wally looked fearful of Barry as he cleaned his blade with a soft cloth from one of his pouches on his belt.

"Good to see all of your comms still work, because I want the rest of the team to witness your pain. Most of all, I want them to hear your screams when I gut you with my knives," Barry said, looking each one of them in eyes. He folded up the cloth and placed it back into the pouch. "I want them to hear your bodies drop to the floor."

Oliver sighed. "Wally, evacuate the police, take Frost and Julian back to Star Labs."

Wally shook his head. "You guys are going to need me for this fight."

"Yes, we will, but after you stop our friend from dying. Now go," Sara ordered. Wally didn't argue this time, instead, he sped over to Frost and Julian. He picked them up carefully and then was gone. Sara turned back to face Barry, who titled his head, giving her an even more sadistic smile. "Ollie, we need to stop him," She said.

Barry laughed. "But don't you see, Canary? I don't need to be saved, because I already am." He spread his hands. "I have a mission, and I plan to complete it."

"What is your mission?" Cisco asked, right as Wally came back.

"Well, I'd thought that be obvious, but for now I'll let you figure it out on your own," Barry said, smiling. "I assume you aren't going to let me leave, so I guess we'll have to do this the hard way, huh?" he pulled out his bow staff. "Let's do this." He let the electricity flow through his veins, it allowed him to control the critical damage of the lightning when he summoned it to help him fight. He became the same with the lightning basically. He charged towards Cisco but was met with Wally midway.

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