8| What Really Happened These Past Couple Months

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Third POV:

Jumping down into an abandoned warehouse, Oliver, Laurel, Thea, Cisco, Roy, and Sara felt a ton of pain drag itself onto their shoulders. They'd ended up making Iris stay behind after a long debate, in which the majority ruled. Oliver knew she desperately needed to find out what happened to Barry, they all did, but they weren't going to lose anyone else.

"Okay, what is it with abandoned warehouses and the villains that come here?" Cisco asked, adjusting his goggles.

A shadowy figure jumped off a set of rafters above the group, landing into a kneeling position. Pulling down her hood, Nyssa looked beautiful. She wore her typical black outfit, with no weapons visible. "I don't think I technically count as a villain, do I?" Nyssa said, looking at Cisco, with a grin on her face.

Cisco backed up a bit. "Sorry, I was joking,"

Nyssa shrugged. "Eh, it's okay, humor is one way to shield yourself from pain."

Oliver wrung his hands, while Sara narrowed her eyes at Nyssa, her former lover.

"So, are you really in love with Barry, Nyssa?" Sara asked.

Nyssa looked at her. "What? No! I'm just doing as my father has asked. But I want to get Barry back to you guys. Back to his wife."

Sara nodded, relieved. Oliver sighed. "Can we please get our explanation?" He asked, yes, he wanted to find out what had actually happened, but mostly, he was doing this for Iris. Nyssa looked at Oliver, her gaze the same as always.

She nodded slowly. "Definitely," she agreed. She made a motion with her hand. "Can some of you go get some chairs; it's a very long story. The rest of you can come to do a quick perimeter check with me."

Thea, Laurel, and Roy would get the chairs from the other side of the room; one for each person, while Oliver, Cisco, and Sara would go with Nyssa to do a perimeter check.

Thea and Laurel grabbed Roy by his arms and dragged him over to the other side of the warehouse, mostly because it looked like he was about to argue. Cisco jumped in a breach to make it to the top of the warehouse, while the others moved out of the warehouse. Cisco ran along the roof as Oliver jumped there to help him. The area was clear, but Sara and Nyssa had a quick little chat, while they searched the area. 

"You couldn't have called Oliver or me, and tell us that Barry was alive, as well as an assassin?" Sara asked Nyssa. They were walking along the deck of warehouses, checking every dark corner, anything that could be missed. If they missed anything, it would be fatal. 

Nyssa's face didn't change as she checked between two of the warehouses. "Listen, Sara," she said, turning back around to face the Canary. "I wanted to tell you guys, really, I did. But you know how things are in the League, only a few people were to know about Barry. So if I had come and told Oliver, and you guys came to rescue him, I would have been found out. I need to keep stopping my father and Merlyn from the inside. I also need you guys to save Barry with my help, but keep it on the down-low. Only until I become the next Ra's, but you have someone new, yeah?" 

Yes, Sara had a few flings, but nothing serious. "No, let's just head back to the warehouse." Sara turned back around and walked away from Nyssa, who sighed and followed her. 

They met up with Oliver and Cisco and headed into the warehouse. Roy, Thea, and Laurel were sitting on three of the seven chairs they'd set up, they smiled as the others joined them. Sara sat next to Laurel and Oliver. Laurel, who could immediately tell that Sara was in pain, rubbed Sara's back. Cisco sat down next to Roy, who was next to Thea. Oliver sat next to Cisco. Nyssa took the remaining chair, which was placed so everyone was facing her. 

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