6| He Is Lost For Now

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Third POV:

Laurel, Roy, and Thea had made it to Central City. Luckily, there were no major threats right now, but Lyla had promised to handle them if it came to that. Sara and Oliver had debriefed them on everything that had happened. Thea seemed especially mad at Merlyn since he was her father. Sara explained every last detail, even the cold, sadistic smile when Barry drove his dagger along Julian's body and said, "Oops." Cisco joked that when they saved Barry, they were going to laugh about that, which ended up with him getting slugged in the arm very hard by Wally, while Iris and Felicity, had to be held back by Oliver, to keep from slapping Cisco.

Laurel demanded that they start training until they could draw out Barry, so they did, and man, was it hard. Laurel pushed them harder with Oliver examining them for anything flawed. Turned out, Ralph didn't feel what he was becoming enough, Cisco didn't aim his arms the right way, and Frost didn't take the time to examine her opponents. By the end of the day, the team collapsed into chairs, sighing away. Sara rolled her eyes with Thea and Roy; they were perfectly used to Laurel and Oliver being extremely hard on them.

Thea went to go shoot a little more before retiring to the hotel that Roy and she were staying at. Felicity said that they all needed some rest and that she would stay here monitoring the city, but if they really couldn't bring themselves to leave, then they could stay in the places where Harry and Jesse had. Oliver insisted on staying, along with Laurel, Cisco, and Roy, which meant that Thea begrudgingly stayed.

Wally didn't complain when Caitlin told him to go home with Joe and Cecile, he was tired, he wanted to sleep for once, without having to worry about Iris nagging at him to search the globe. Iris insisted on staying too, but Caitlin straight-up ordered her back to her apartment, Iris was no good as the team leader if she had no energy. If they needed her, then Cisco would call and open a breach to bring her to the team, along with everyone else.

So, reluctantly, Iris went home, falling into an uneasy sleep, dreaming of her love.

A loud beep woke Felicity, from where she had dozed off at the monitor. She jolted awake quickly, looking frantically for the source of the beep. She stopped midway when she realized that it was coming from the satellite tracking Barry's speed force essence, but he hadn't been leaving as much of a trace when he ran, because of how long he was in the speed force.

Felicity immediately got on the comms and called the team up to the cortex. Cisco opened a breach to go collect Iris and everyone else that went home. Laurel, Oliver, Thea, Roy, and Sara went to suit up.

Ten minutes later, everyone is sitting in the cortex. Felicity filled everyone in and Cisco opened another breach, Thea, Roy, Laurel, Sara, Oliver, Cisco, Frost, and Ralph went through.

They had to be ready for this, but there really was no preparation for each time they saw him.

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El Bariq (Barry)'s POV:

I snuck out of the room Nyssa and I were sharing, she was sound asleep. Merlyn had told me that it was time to draw out the team again, and this time I wasn't going to play fair. I grabbed throwing knives, daggers, batons(which worked like a bow staff), bow, and arrows. These were all made in lightweight metal, so they didn't challenge my speed and stealth.

I jumped on the wall, moving up it silently, and left. The cold wind rushed through my hair, giving me a rush of adrenaline. I put on my mask, starting to run. I knew where I was going. A big rooftop, big enough to fight the team. I stood on top of the building, rushing up enough lightning to alert the satellite of my speed force essence. Usually, I don't leave a trace anymore, but that's because I'm always going fast and I don't want to be found. This time I do. I set up a couple of crossbows like the Arrow would and then I jumped over to the next building which was taller. I crouched down, readying my bow, and held the button that released the fire from the crossbows.

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