1| The Kidnapping of a Speedster

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Barry will be 'I'. Everyone else is in Third pov.

Third Pov:

Fast. That was one word Iris used to describe her husband. Barry Allen was a speedster and decided to be a hero, The Flash as she coined him. They worked together at S.T.A.R Labs with Cisco Ramon, Dr. Caitlin Snow, Joe West, Ralph Dibny, for a short period of time Julian Albert, and multiple versions of Dr. Harrison Wells.

She was in her new office near Ralph Dibny's; the new home of her newspaper: The Central City Citizen. Kamilia, Cisco's new girlfriend, was working with her as a photographer. Though she was out of town for the next two weeks visiting her parents.

Iris grabbed her purse and decided to see if her dad could pick her up and take her to S.T.A.R Labs. 

She wanted to help Caitlin and Cisco work on a meta case.

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Barry's Pov:

I sat in my lab. Being a speedster made everything feel longer. I had finished all my reports hours ago, handed them in, and visited all the crime sites to double-check for extra evidence. No meta problems in weeks, so my Flash duties have just been several quick patrols every break, or after I'm off work. Oliver hadn't texted me in a long time. Felicity had called me and explained he was busy taking down Deathstroke or someone. I didn't know.  Sometimes I wished that I could fight better than just a quick punch or throwing lightning. Oliver had given me a couple of lessons in hand-to-hand combat. It had gone well.

I looked up at the clock. Finally, time to go, I was glad to hear Julian Albert was coming back from Britain to help the team and the CCPD. I flashed over to S.T.A.R labs and there sat Caitlin, Cisco, and our current visiting Wells: Harry. Iris was at her new office; Ralph was at his own; Joe and Cecile were still at the CCPD. Iris and I had a little argument three days ago. She was ready to make up, but me? Not so much.

Cisco and Caitlin looked up from their computers. "Hey, Barry," They said in unison.

Harry gave me a quick nod. "Allen," He said and returned to his work.

I looked at my Flash suit on the mannequin, Cisco had made it for me when I came out of the speed force. I moved over to one of the other monitors and sat down, I did some research on possible villains. Cisco was standing up, for what I gathered, was going down to work at his lab, Caitlin had run over to the med bay. Harry stayed standing at the monitors. "Hey, guys?" I said. "Can you come over here?"

"Sure," Cisco said as he waved Caitlin back over. Harry gave me a raised eyebrow, and then continued to his work when he realized I wasn't talking to him.

I took a deep breath in, "Do you know when Julian's arriving from England, Cait?" I asked her. The blue in her brown eyes seemed to glow more. That signaled to me that Frost had been on a rampage this morning. Better be careful.

She took a moment and then the blue in her eyes faded. "Not sure. He texted me to say he got laid over in New York for the night. So, I'd guess later tonight. Why?" She said.

I felt electricity crackling in my fingers. "I wanted to know where Julian was going to be staying since he sold his place," I explained.

Caitlin gave me a warm smile. "I'd guess with Cisco for the first week. But since Harry's staying there until Jesse brings his stuff over... I'll probably have him come to my place before he loses his mind."

Cisco rolled his eyes, "Yeah, we'll see if he can survive mine and Harry's bickering. But, otherwise, sure," He said, and took a look at the computer. "Iris just texted me. She'll be here in a moment."

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