10| We Need Your Help

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Third POV:


Kara Danvers was having a bad day. Not only was one of her good friends, Barry Allen, The Flash, missing, but she was having terrible writer's block. To top it off, she'd almost lost a rogue alien this morning, and then she had to sit through J'onn giving her an hour-long lecture. She'd bit her tongue as J'onn had lectured her. Her sister, Alex, sent her a few sympathetic looks, but Kara knew that she had brought this on herself. 

When she'd finally gotten home, she'd collapsed on her couch. But then, breaches kept opening and closing in her house. She'd shrugged it off and continued watching Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

A breach finally opened in her living room, and Oliver and Cisco stepped out. Kara jumped up. "Cisco, Oliver, hi! What's new? Any news on Barry?" She asked. She was so happy, she was flying off the ground. 

"We haven't updated you in a while, huh? Oliver, you tell her. You're better at delivering the bad news," Cisco said, leaning against the wall. 

Oliver sighed, rolling his eyes. "You might want to sit down, Kara. The recent news is nothing to be happy about." 

Kara's lips, which had curved into a smile, dipped down into a frown. "Oh," She said. 

Oliver filled her in on everything from finding out about the lead from Nyssa to the recent attacks, and even what had actually happened these past couple of months. To say Kara was sad was an understatement, she was angry and mostly just confused about how she felt. How could someone destroy another person and turn them to their own evil purpose? Oliver explained that this was what the League was best at, tearing people apart by targeting the person that was closest to all of them, or at least affected them in some way. 

Kara's knuckled tightened around the pillow she was holding. Emotions were surging throughout her brain, which complicated how she was thinking. She took a second to clear her head and then turned to face Oliver and Cisco. "So what brings you here then? It would be nice if you had just come to update me on what had happened to Barry, but I'm guessing that's not the only reason you guys came?" She asked. 

Cisco gave her half of a smile. "Well, we haven't been able to beat Barry now that he's trained more in the art of the League. His speed just adds to his fighting technique, and we've lost every time. So, we figured we needed to get some help. We're gathering Kate, the Legends, Jesse, as much help as possible. You in?" 

Kara nodded. "Definitely. Let's go." 

She changed back into her Supergirl suit and walked through the breach with them. 

───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────

Third POV: 


"So Barry really went through all that?" Jesse asked. Wally and Iris had just finished filling her in on everything that had happened. Iris had broken into tears, and Wally held her waist, supporting her. 

Jesse was standing in the Star Labs of Earth-2, wearing her Jesse Quick suit with the mask removed. She'd been updated more than anyone else because Wally was visiting her often. 

"Yeah. Listen, Jesse, we need your help. We're assembling the other heroes because of how much of a problem we've had taking Barry down. Think you're up for it?" Wally queried, his Kid Flash suit glowing in the lights. 

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