7| You Lose A Part Of You

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Third POV:

It had happened, Barry had been sucked so far in that he had started taking innocent people's lives, these were the very same people that not too long ago, he had put his life and his family and friends life on the line for again and again. He didn't feel it anymore and Nyssa noticed the change immediately. She knew that she should stay to help him through this, but she had to go back to her father as she had another mission, also, new League members had to figure out how to handle taking a life alone. It was going to be a long journey for him, but this was a part of being an assassin, no doubt, no mercy. Their literal motto was: "strike first, strike hard, no mercy."

Barry wandered the halls of the warehouse, thinking of the lives he'd taken. And when he couldn't make sense of anything he went back to the training area to, you know, punch things.

Barry had so much anger that he'd managed to beat Merlyn ten times! He was sharping his knives because he was getting ready for another target.

He jumped out of the warehouse, content. Ready for his next kill.

───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────

What had happened to Barry?! He'd started killing, and Oliver knew that they had to stop him soon before he got sucked in any further. He was losing a part of him, the wonderful part that made him want to be the Flash, the part that attracted him to Starling City in the first place.

Oliver pushed the team harder and harder, but it was no use. Every time they fought Barry, they lost. Either he was really good, or the team really couldn't bring themselves to fight their friend.

Julian had started running tests on the evidence that Oliver and Sara had found on the rooftop, as well as the evidence that Barry had been leaving behind every time he fought them. From what he could gather, it seemed like residue from a warehouse. It helped them figure out where to look, but there were ten different sets of warehouses in the city that matched the residue trace. He was sitting in the med bay now with Caitlin, discussing the residue. Felicity and Iris sat at the monitors, searching through the city for any traces of Barry's speed force essence.

"We've got something!" Felicity shouted suddenly, drawing both Julian and Caitlin out of their conversation, prompting them to run over to the Cortex. Felicity paged the rest of the team up to the Cortex. "We've got a hit on Barry, and it looks like he's taking another life tonight." Oliver, Cisco, and the others left then, leaving just Julian, Iris, and Felicity in the Cortex.

"So, Julian, how's are the tests fairing so far? Get any more information from the residue?" Iris asked, gripping her chair as she slid closer to the monitor.

Julian pulled a chair over from the other monitors, sitting down uneasily. "I'm getting close to narrowing down the warehouse, I just need one last sample."

Felicity looked up from the monitor. "Well, you're getting your wish answered because the team just got beat. Again. And Barry left behind another sample," She said, typing quickly.

Moments later, the team burst through a breach. They looked tired and beaten. Sara held another baggy of evidence, she noticed that Julian was sitting there, so she tossed it to him. "That should get you closer, Julian," She said, stretching out her arms.

Julian nodded. "Thank you, Sara." He motioned Frost to follow him. She did so but turned back into Caitlin. Cisco decided that Kamilla needed a coffee date, so he left. Wally and Ralph left to head back to Ralph's office, they were still looking over Barry's files. Joe was still at the CCPD, but he was coming by.

Oliver whispered something to Sara, Laurel, Thea, Roy, and Felicity. They all agreed and then Oliver turned back to Iris, who looked intrigued. "Did you have something to share, Oliver?" She said, dragging her hands in circles until she intertwined them.

Oliver cleared his throat. "Uh, yes. I'm going to contact our source in the League of Assasins, to see if we can find out what really happened to Barry this past year," He explained, looking a little pale.

Iris nodded, giving him a grateful smile. "Yes, that'd be wonderful. Thank you, Oliver. One thing: How many of us are going?"

Oliver shrugged. "Well, Laurel, Thea, Roy, Sara, and me. I'd guess Cisco and maybe you."

Iris nodded. "Okay, great. Let me know when you get an answer from them."

───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────

It was pitch black outside right now. A lone figure sat in the dark of their apartment, holding a mug of tea. They had their eyes closed and were meditating when their phone buzzed. They picked the phone.


We need to meet.

The lone figure replied.


When and where, Oliver?

───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────

This is what you could call a filler chapter, I haven't been feeling particularly inspired lately. Did you guys like the cliffhanger. We've found out that Nyssa Al-Ghul, Barry's beloved, is the source.

Please enjoy your week!



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