14| This Ends Now

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Third POV:

They were ready. It was Wednesday morning, and the heroes had prepared their trap as much as they possibly could. They'd protected everything so that once Barry entered, he had no way out. They just hoped that this would work, especially Iris and Team Flash. They wanted their speedster friend back, and Iris wanted her husband.

Oliver had set up crossbows, and Cisco had set up a ring of meta dampeners. All they had to do is bait Barry into the ring, piece of cake, really. They positioned each other in specific places. Iris would be standing with Frost and Ralph far enough away from Barry to not be harmed, but close enough to talk to Barry. Sara, Laurel, Thea, and Roy would be positioned in the rafters. The rest of the Legends were spread throughout the room. And Oliver, Cisco, Kara, and Kate were positioned near the ring of meta dampeners.

Nyssa walked up to Oliver. "I'm helping you guys," She said. "I'm going to help you convince Barry."

Oliver shook his head. "We can't risk it, Nyssa. You're the key to defeating your father, and if you jeopardize that role you have now, then it will be harder to defeat him."

"Listen, Oliver, we are perfectly keen to defeat him soon. Anyway, Merlyn can't tell him, because he's not going to be able to make contact," Nyssa said, smiling.

Oliver sighed. "You're going to pressure me into this, aren't you?"

Nyssa nodded.

"Fine, you can come."

Nyssa's smile grew and then she turned away, going to ready herself for the night.

"It was nice of you to do that," Sara said from behind Oliver.

Oliver turned to look at her, his hood down, eyes glinting with happiness. The room seemed to grow cold. "Yeah, I guess," he commented, gripping his bow.

Sara ignored the cold feeling as she stepped closer. "Ollie, it's me, Sara. You're okay."

The two locked their gazes, holding them tight. Oliver broke his eyes away. "I want this to work, Sara," He whispered.

Sara nodded, grabbing his hand, dragging him outside to talk.

In truth, the heroes felt wrong the longer Barry was absent. He gave the world a certain light that kept them all going. Just knowing that he was there was reassuring. Oliver and his team were still amazed at how much darkness Barry had managed to face and come out still such a good person.

They wanted him back, the true Barry Allen, the Flash. And this time, they were going to succeed, no matter what.

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Barry (El Bariq's) POV:

Today was the day. I could feel the final parts of myself being sucked back into the darker me. The rest of the process would take a few hours, but I knew that today was the final battle. I had spotted the heroes at a warehouse for the past couple of days. I had thrown knife after knife, aimed arrows and punches again and again, and I had sparred so hard against Merlyn, I knew I was ready physically. But mentally? I had no idea how to block the pain, everything that has ever happened to me, I can still see it. The warmth from my friends and family, from Iris.

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