11| Who You Truly Are

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Third POV:

A loud BEEP scared Julian as he wrote on a whiteboard, coming up with moments that were close contact between the heroes and Barry. Julian walked over to the machine that was testing all of the residues that Barry had been leaving behind in their fights with him. They knew that it was the good part deep down, trying to help them. Julian walked carefully over to the machine and examined the test results.

These results would change the heroes game. It would give them a fighting chance to strike at the place that Merlyn and Barry are residing in. Julian called everyone to meet. Luckily, everyone had agreed to meet at Star Labs or on the Waverider. Everyone filed into the room, though it seemed they were running out of space from the number of people. Iris watched Julian with interest, as did Oliver, Laurel, Sara, Kate, and Kara. They knew he had found something, something that would help them in this fight against Barry.

Julian let his gaze wander through the crowd of heroes. Heroes that had come to help save Barry, all of them were touched by each other, but especially Barry.

"So," Julian said, clapping his hands together, which gathered everyone's attention. They stared at him, waiting for him to continue. He cleared his throat and tried to continue, "Okay, so... The results from the residue that we've been collecting at every site that we've fought Barry at came today." He nodded to Cisco, who began to pull up maps of warehouses near docks. "The residue is common from docks, so we took a look a the residue, and it turns out that this specific type of residue is only at one set of warehouses in Central City." He pointed to the set of warehouses that was the location of where they'd met Nyssa a few days earlier.

"So Nyssa practically gave us the answer, huh?" Sara asked, her voice clear as a canary's.

"Almost," Julian agreed. "We analyzed the residue more, turns out that this residue only comes from a specific object on the ground, which is only used in this warehouse." He pointed to the farthest warehouse from the entrance, which was hidden among the rest. The gasps were firm and shocked.

Oliver checked with Nyssa as well, turned out they were correct, she told them. She'd planted the meeting close to the base of operations for Merlyn, so she'd be able to help them. That was why they had to patrol, she didn't want Merlyn to see her helping them. They thanked her immensely. Their only challenge was finding Barry, and trying to remind him of stuff; stuff that meant something to him. They'd found what could save Barry, they just needed to drag it out.

And now that they knew the location of Merlyn's base? The icing on the cake.

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Barry's (El Bariq) POV:

I walked through the biggest bank of Central City, scaring the hell out of the innocent citizens as I walked through the bank. Lights were flashing red, people were screaming and running, and me? I was laughing, laughing my head off. I cornered people but didn't hurt them, just kidding. I barely hurt them. My only reason to do this was to draw the heroes out, but today, it wasn't working, for some reason.

Before I left, I played around with the people more, seeing if the heroes would show. They didn't, cowards. I went to other places, trying to do the same thing: draw the heroes out. They didn't show, only some stupid cops. I beat them easily and was gone before the ambulances got there. I could hear all the sirens as I ran through the city, causing chaos. Something caught my eye and my feet stopped dead in their tracks.

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