Maybe Prom Night || Jason Dean

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For the sake of this one-shot, JD is on good terms with / is friends with everyone and is also not a murderer (AND him and Veronica are close friends instead of dating duh)

Warnings: None.

Summary: Ah, senior prom. The "best night" of most high school students' years. Sometimes they don't always go to plan, though.


I push open the door, the cool night air greeting me. I take in a deep breath of the stuff before sitting down on the steps. This was supposed to be my night. That's what they all say about prom. It's big and important.

Sure. Whatever you say.

I stare up at the dark, inky night sky, sighing. Why did I come here with a jock, of all people? A guy who probably only did it to get in my pants? I run a hand down my dress. What a waste...

"Oh. Hey, y/n." I turn to find JD standing behind me, his hands in his pockets. I look back out.

"Hey, JD."

"Mind if I join you?" I shake my head. He sits down beside me. "Rough night?" I glance over.

"What tipped you off?" He laughs lightly.

"You look pissed." I smile a bit. He knows me too well.

"Well, you're right." I stare at the sky.

"Done dancing?" I laugh lightly. What a clueless weirdo.

"Can't be done with what you never started. I came here with a jock. How stupid can I get, right? He deserted me for his friends the moment we got inside." JD scoffs.

"Asshat move." I smile.

"Yeah." We go quiet. I sneak a glance over at him. The fancy jacket and tie are a lot different than his usual trench coat and dark clothing. "What about you? Why aren't you inside?" He shrugs.

"Veronica dragged me to her house to dress me up and threw me into the mix, telling me to find a girlfriend because 'dear God, you're so lonely.' I managed to lose her and the Heathers in the crowd, so I came here." I grin.

"You are lonely. She's right in that regard." He glares at me.

"But I don't want to find a girlfriend in there." I laugh.

"Well, you're an ass. Because what I want is a prom night and you're telling me you went and just ran from it."

"... Oops." I punch his shoulder.

"Shut up." He grins, then motions to me.

"Nice dress. Shame it'll go to waste." I sigh.

"That's what I was thinking." I run my hands down the fabric. "I'm so stupid for wasting my time on that asshole."

"Well, I respectfully disagree." I give him a look. "He's stupid for not spending time on you. He was supposed to be your date. And he went and threw away his opportunity." I laugh.

"Well, I never wanted to go with him anyways. I just needed a date." I sigh, leaning back on my elbows. "And look where that got me." He nudges my arm.

"Spending time with your friend. Horrible, isn't it?" I blink, then flail my hands around.

"Oh- I didn't mean here. I meant just in general. No, this is nice." I rub my arms. "Bit chilly, though." He smiles, then shrugs out of his jacket, draping it over my shoulders.

"There." I shoot him a look.

"What are you, my Prince Charming?" I ask dryly. He blows out a breath, smiling.

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