Give Me the Controller! || Heathers + Veronica

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Requested by: -KINKYWHOREE

Summary: The three Heathers (and one Veronica) decide to have a game night with their girlfriend. Turns out they're all horribly competitive.

(we love some domestic, chaotic Heathers and Veronica in this household. and yes, i decided to make it about them playing video games. fight me. I love them.)


I turn up the volume of the TV. Game night. I hear the doorbell ring and spring up, hurrying upstairs. I just barely open the door when Mac jumps into my arms.

"Heather!" I yelp, stumbling back and simultaneously trying to keep us upright. She giggles, wrapping her legs and arms around me. I regain my balance, sighing.

"Hey," she says casually, as if she isn't wrapped around me like a koala. I roll my eyes.

"We could've fell."

"Well, you still caught me." I glance over at the door to see Chandler and Duke standing there, grins on their faces.

"Gonna carry us too, y/n?" Duke asks teasingly. I groan.

"Too many people. Ask Veronica."

"Ask me what?" Veronica asks as she casually strides into my house, dropping her jacket on the bench.

"Ah, nothing." She looks at Mac, still clinging to me, then at me.

"What, they wanna get carried, too?" I smile.

"I think so." Mac laughs into my neck.

"Well, it is pretty hot when someone's strong." I feel my face flush. Even after being with all of them for this long, they really do know how to fluster me.

"So hot," Duke says sarcastically. She heads inside. "Come on, I wanna beat Chandler at something for once." Chandler scoffs, following her.

"You can try."

"You're all talk, Heather," Veronica says, pushing the red clad girl's arm. Chandler elbows her. "Ow!" Mac pulls herself off me, heading inside as well. I close the door, hurrying downstairs and throwing myself onto Duke, who lounges lazily on the beanbag. She shoves me off.

"That's not nice...," I whine, pouting at her. She rolls her eyes, though I can see a smile on her face.

"That cute act isn't working."

"No? You're smiling." Her face flushes.

"Ah, shut up." Veronica picks me up with ease. I cling to her in surprise.


"You're blocking the TV!"

"Put me down!" I can hear laughter cascading from our girlfriends. Veronica finally puts me down beside Mac. I grumble. "Just because you can do that doesn't mean you have to show off all the time." She shoots me a grin.

"Oh, well." She grabs a controller, throwing one at Duke, and the other at Chandler. "Since you two are all competitive today, let's try us three."

"Oh, God," I say. I exchange a knowing look with Mac as she snuggles up to me.

"Scary," she mutters in my ear. "Absolutely terrifying." I giggle.

"I know," I mutter back. Chandler presses play. I watch the TV, then realize it's so much more entertaining to watch the players themselves.

"Chandler, you fucking bitch!" Veronica bursts out. I suppress laughter.

"Not my fault you suck ass, Ronnie!" Chandler retorts. Jesus. If this is the first round, I'm scared of what'll come next. Duke's character suddenly eliminates both of them.

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