Study Date || Heather Duke

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Requested by: FuglyJD

Warnings: None.

Summary: Heather Duke tries to help her girlfriend study.


"Heather, I'm hopeless in this," I groan, letting my head rest on my arms. I feel my girlfriend, Heather, playfully flick my head. "Ow."

"You're not. Come on, y/n. Just a few more questions." I sigh, standing up and stretching my legs.

"Can't we take a break?" She gives me a blank stare.

"We took a break ten minutes ago."

"So?" She scoffs, dropping her pencil.

"I can't believe you." I smile, leaning down and kissing her cheek.

"Well, believe it. So, how about we forget about the homework and-" She shakes her head, shuffling through my notes.

"Nope. You asked for help, so we're going to study." I groan, lowering my head onto her shoulder.

"But it's boring," I complain.

"You sound like a five year old, y/n."

"So what? I'm clearly not making any progress, so why bother?" She sighs, running a gentle hand through my hair.

"Few more questions."

"Heather," I whine. She laughs softly.

"Do a few more, and we can take a break." I sit back down on my bed, crossing my legs.

"Fine. Walk me through it." She smiles, clearly satisfied by the compromise. I nod all the way through her explanation, and I'm even able to do a few steps by myself.

"And then..." I write the answer, looking at her nervously as she checks it over. "That's right." I sigh happily, falling backwards onto my pillow.

"I did it."

"Yeah. Now do one on your own." I grumbles, sitting up. I fiddle with my pencil, absolutely clueless on how to start. She writes out the first part, and I blink.

"Oh." I start to continue the question, my hand working faster than my brain, and I'm suddenly done.

"... 'Not making any progress' my ass," she mutters. She looks at me. "It's right."

"Huh." I look down at the paper. "Didn't expect that." She smiles.

"Well, you got it right pretty quickly." She writes down one more. "Do this one and we'll take a break."

"Alright." I start to scribble out the answer, and for once I don't feel confused. I glance up to find her smiling, resting her head on her hand and gazing at me. "Heather...?"

"Hm...?" She blinks, then flinches. "What?" I smile.

"Are you done staring at me?" Red dusts her cheeks, and she averts her eyes.

"Give me that." She snatches up my notebook, busying herself with checking the answer. I grin.

"Aw, no shame in gazing lovingly at your girlfriend," I tease, pushing her shoulder. She hides her face behind the notebook, peering at me from over the edge.

"I hate you." I pout.

"You're so mean! Why don't you just admit that you're smitten with me?" She rolls her eyes, placing down the notebook after a few seconds. The blush on her face is still very much prominent.

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