Let it Snow || Cady Heron

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Cady is honestly so cute i love her ALSO Christmas/Holiday ish oneshot because I said so

Warnings: None.

Summary: Cady is experiencing her first snowfall. Who else would she want to spend it with other than her... Best friend?


I stand up, stretching as I look out the window, the credits rolling on the TV. I stifle a yawn. We've been watching movies for a while. And I was trying to ignore Janis and Damian's frantic texts when they realized I was hanging out with Cady alone.

"Oh, hey, it's snowing." I hear Cady spring up from the couch, rushing to the window. She leans on the windowsill, awestruck by the view. I grin. "First snow, huh?" She turns to me, her eyes full of wonder reminiscent of a little kid.

"Yeah." I laugh, flopping back on the couch. She grabs my arm, dragging me to my feet. "Can we go outside?" I smile.

"Of course."

"Yes!" She pulls me upstairs, whipping open the front door.

"Wait!" I say, holding her back before she runs outside. She turns to me.

"What?" I shake my head, smiling. I love how enthusiastic she is right now.

"You need your jacket and shoes, Cades. It'll be pretty cold out." She grins.

"Right. Thanks." She grabs her coat from the bench, slipping it on. I do the same, then tie up my shoelaces. She takes my hand, pulling me out the door. My heart leaps. She's holding my hand. We look up at the sky, admiring the white, fluffy flakes falling from it. "It's so pretty..."

"Yeah." I catch a snowflake on my hand, watching it melt on my skin. "Do you like it?" She nods. I grin. "Good." I release her hand, picking up a handful of snow from the ground. Since we've been inside for a while, there's a good layer of snow. Her face lights up, and she follows my lead.

"Wait... Isn't this like... A fight?" I blink, then grin.

"Depends..." I turn away from her. "Fair warning, I destroyed Janis and Damian last winter, so... Don't wanna brag, but-" I yelp as a snowball explodes on the back of my head. I glare at her, only making her smile.

"You were saying?" I look down at the snowball in my hand. I throw it at her. Soon, we get snowballs flying back and forth, mostly missing each other from laughing too hard. But we're having fun nonetheless. A snowball hits my face. I yell in annoyance.

"Cady Heron, get back here!" She giggles and runs around behind my house. I follow, picking up snow to pack in a ball as I go. I suddenly stop in my tracks, pressing against the wall. I wait for a bit, stifling a laugh. She cautiously walks around the corner.

"Y/n...? Where did you- Ah!" She shouts in surprise as I hit her with the snowball. I laugh at her shocked expression, running away. She chases me for a bit, then sighs, falling backwards into the snow. I giggle.

"Tired?" She grins up at me.

"Kinda. I wanted to see if it really was soft." I join her on the ground, staring up at the sky. She suddenly takes my hand.

"What's wrong?" Her cheeks are flushed. I can't tell if it's from the cold or the exertion, but her blush seems to grow deeper. I mentally shake it off. I'm only imagining things.

"Nothing. My hands are just... Cold. Aren't yours?" I shrug.

"Yeah, a bit." I squeeze her hand. She smiles, looking up at the sky. "Hey, Cady?" I ask after a bit.

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