Thank You || Regina George

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Warnings: *Damian voice* Getting hit by a busssss.

Summary: We all know how Regina George got hit by a bus. What if someone prevented it from happening, instead?


Janis is brave, I'll give her that. Saying all that stuff about Regina and Cady takes some serious bravery. Speaking of the two... I notice Regina storm out of the gym, Cady following close behind. I look between them and the crowd, then decide to follow the former. Things could get ugly, and I want to make sure that doesn't happen.

"Regina, wait!" Cady calls out. I jog close behind, but not close enough for either of them to notice. I'll only interfere if I need to. Regina's scary when she's angry.

"You know what they say about you? They say you are a homeschooled jungle freak who's a less hot version of me," Regina snaps. I wince. Yikes. Here come the insults. She slams into the door, angrily storming down the steps. Cady follows.

Regina throws back a few insults, Cady trying to squeeze in apologies. I stand at the steps, trying to figure out how to defuse the situation without making any of it sound weird. Regina stares at me.

"What are you standing there for, y/n?" She demands. I blink.

"B... Uh... What?" I stutter. I'm not ready to throw myself into this yet. She groans in frustration.

"Are you on my side or not?" I open my mouth, then close it.

"Um." Come on, do something! She turns and heads into the road, Cady following.

"I never meant to hurt y-" My heart leaps into my throat as I realize they're standing in the road. The road. Sweet fuck!

"Guys!" I yell, hurrying to the sidewalk. "Get out of the road!"

"Y/n, shut up for a little bit!" Regina snaps, turning back to Cady. "So take your little apology and-" I break into a sprint.

"Get out of the road!" I scream. "I'm serious!" Before they even reply, I shove Cady behind me and slam into Regina, throwing them both aside.

"Y/n, you little-"

"Y/n!" They both scream. A yellow flash slams into me. I feel my body fly through the air. Weightless. In the time I'm not touching the ground, I process two things: I'm an idiot for doing that, and I just got hit by a fucking bus. The air leaves my lungs in one big breath as I collide with the concrete.

I think I passed out for a bit, because when I come to, two girls hover over me, their faces concerned and their hands grabbing at me, trying to wake me up. I groan softly.

"She's awake." The blonde turns to the redhead. "This is your fault!"

"My fault? You're the one who ran into the road! I was trying to apologize!" I close my eyes.

"Can you not do this now?" I say, annoyance creeping into my voice. My body feels like it's being split apart. A hot wave of pain shoots through my back. "Call a... Call an ambul..." I swallow hard, unable to think with the agony in my body. "I think... Some breaks..."

"I'm getting a teacher or something." Cady rushes off, leaving me and Regina alone. I think the bus driver probably went in, too. I stare up at the blonde through a blurry gaze. My vision sharpens, and I groan, holding my head.

"Why did you do that?" She demands. I close my eyes.


"What the hell, y/n?" I close my eyes. I don't think I can move.

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