Finals || Karen Smith

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Requested by: CassandraKoehn (SORRY THIS ONE TOOK A WHILE AAA)

Warnings: None.

Summary: Finals week is coming up, and Karen finds out her girlfriend, y/n, is cramming way too much.


I stifle a yawn as I open my locker, hanging up my bag. I take a sip of coffee from the mug in my hand, willing the caffeine to kick-start my sleep-deprived brain. I can't risk passing out in class.

"Hey, y/n!" I look over to my side, where my girlfriend, Karen, stands.

"Morning, Kare," I say, pressing a kiss to her cheek. She grins.

"You look tired." I shrug.

"A bit." It's not just a bit. I've gotten three - almost two - hours of sleep in the past twenty-four hours. Maybe even less than that. But Karen shouldn't need to worry about me that much. I even made an effort to cover up the shadows under my eyes.

"Okay! Well, maybe you should go home and-"

"No!" I blurt out. She blinks. I clear my throat. "Um, no. Finals are coming up, and I wanna be sure that I'm ready." She giggles.

"Y/n, you're already smart." I sigh.

"Well, it's always good to be overprepared, rather than not at all, right?" She shrugs.

"I guess." She presses a few kisses to my face. "See you at the table."

"Yep." I let out a breath as she walks off. Truth be told, I'm exhausted. Barely holding it together. Really, I'd be surprised if I can get through first block without passing out. I rub my eyes, letting out a sigh. Oh, well. It'll all be over within a week or so. Until then, I have to get my shit together...


I settle down at the lunch table, placing down the messy heap of papers I didn't have time to shove into my binder. I shuffle through them.

"Wow." I glance up.

"Hey, Regina." She sits beside me, picking up a few pieces of paper and flipping through them. Her eyebrows raise.

"You hand wrote all of this?" She asks, giving me a sideways look.

"Well, yeah. Can't be too prepared, you know?" I take the papers from her hands, tapping it on the table to straighten them out before slipping them into my binder.

"You seem a little too prepared." I shrug.

"Oh, well." She helps me put the papers back in my binder, and I have to resist the urge to tell her that she's butchering my organization. Regina scares me. "Thanks."

"No problem. I'm gonna go get food." She stands up, leaving me alone at the table. I rest my head on my arms, mumbling to myself a few stuff I've memorized from poring over my notes non-stop over the past few days. I yawn, rubbing my eyes. Wonder if I could get more coffee before lunch is over.

I feel someone gently push my shoulder, startling me from the haze of exhaustion. I straighten up.

"Huh...?" I say groggily, glancing around. My gaze finally lands on my girlfriend. "Oh. Hey, Kare." She pouts.

"You were asleep." I rub the bridge of my nose.

"I was? Barely even realized..." I feel myself nearly nod off again, but force myself to stay awake. She crouches so she's level with me.

"You look sleepy."

"Mm... Kinda." She pokes my cheek.

"Wanna go home?" I shake my head.

"Too much work to do." She sighs, sitting down beside me. I rest my head on her shoulder.

"You already do a lot of work." She pats my head. "Sometimes even Cady can't keep up with you." I smile a bit.

"But it's not a bad thing, is it?" She gives me a half-shrug.

"Nope." She pauses for a bit. "As long as you don't do too much." I cringe inwardly, remembering the myriad of times over the past couple of days where I'd wake up at my desk with no recollection of how or when I fell asleep.

"... What if I am doing too much?" She turns me to face her.

"Then you'd be tired. And that's not good." She blinks. "And you are tired. Y/n, are you overworking yourself?"

"Overworking? Pft. 'Course not." I avoid her eyes, laughing nervously. "Why would I ever do that?" I know she knows me way too well to know when I'm lying. People - to my annoyance - will say my girlfriend is stupid. But she's actually really smart when it comes to other people. I stop laughing, staring at the nearest wall.

"I know you are." I frantically look back at her, ready to see the disappointment on her face. Instead, she smiles. I blink.


"And I know you wanna do good, and you are." I prepare myself for a but. "But you need to sleep." I look down.

"I know." She gives me a gentle kiss.

"What if I remind you everyday?" I smile at her.

"Like, dropping by everyday? That's too much effort."


"Text me or something, then. Call me, like an alarm clock. I'll know what it means." She smiles, wrapping an arm around me.

"You'd better." I giggle softly.

"I'm so lucky that I'm dating you, Karen."

"I'm lucky, too." She suddenly frowns. "But can you help me study after school?" I run a hand through her hair, grinning.

"Of course."

A/N: This one's kinda short, but I ran out of ideas on it sooooo please accept it kk thanks

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