Them With a Nerdy S/O

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Requested by: Beetlepuff

Warnings: None.

Heather Chandler:
- This combination is ADORABLE
- Pls
- Heather Chandler, queen of high school, and her own personal dork
- Imagine this super hot girl just walking in and the nerd she's dating stumbling in after her
- And the hot girl is so obviously smitten with said nerd
- She'll definitely tease you a lot, that's just who she is
- Anyways Heather adores you
- She loves when you get super passionate about something
- And you'll find her gazing at you with this certain smile on her face
- It's reserved only for you :)

Heather Duke:
- You two get along well
- She's sort of a nerd herself, but she hides it a bit
- But in private she goes full on nerd
- You were surprised when you realized she was just as dorky as you
- But it's cute
- You always recommend books to each other and borrow some
- With cute little messages on sticky notes for the other person to find as they read
- I feel like you're both kinda awkward
- Like it's not really your element
- But you figure it out together

Heather McNamara:
- "Ahh, you're so adorable!!!"
- She thinks you are so cute
- This is that trope of head cheerleader and nerd which is adorable and you can pry it from my cold dead hands
- She loves you so much
- She kinda feels protective of you, since people like you aren't exactly super loved in school
- Do not worry, you have a ray of sunshine on your side
- She kinda thinks you're a bit innocent
- She's chill with that, it just makes you even more cute
- All in all, she is extremely smitten with you

Veronica Sawyer:
- But she's like a badass nerd 😎
- She is the gf who can and will beat up anyone who calls you a dork or nerd or whatever
- Because only she's allowed to do that >:(
- But then she has moments where she just geeks out and you're sitting there like "aw a baby"
- She's adorable plssss
- She's very protective of you
- Because if anyone so much as lays a hand on you she will destroy them then and there
- (Fight for meeeeeeee)
- All in all, you're such a good combination and everyone thinks so

Jason Dean:
- Oh my
- Bad boy and nerd wow
- He's so prepared to just hold you close and fuck up some shit when people hurt you
- He thinks you're so cute and he feels so strongly that he just needs to keep you safe
- He teases you a bit
- Probably calls you "my dork"
- He gets super surprised if you talk back but he thinks it's cute anyways
- He's soft but only for you
- He doesn't mind if you're shy, he'll try to help you out
- He just adores you okay?

Regina George:
- Much like Heather Chandler, she's the queen bee
- And she has a personal nerd
- Which is youuuuuu
- Everyone was surprised when she asked you to date her out of all people
- But she can handle mean people because she's the meanest of them all (bwahahaaaa)
- She adores you so much
- It's always funny to see people reacting to the queen of North Shore being all soft and cute for some (seemingly) random nerdy person
- Help her with homework because she shyly asked you to (🥺 babyyyyy)
- She's actually so glad you're so smart
- Because she knows you're probably smarter than everyone else, so that makes you better :)

Cady Heron:
- Cady is a nerd (is anyone surprised?? like look at her she's a mathlete)
- You are both huge nerds
- Janis and Damian and literally everyone think that you two are adorableeeee
- Because you arreeeee
- Nerds.
- I like to think you throw random math questions at each other to try to crack the other person
- She's obviously always right so she always wins :/
- She lets you win sometimes just because she thinks you look so cute when you do
- Study dates <3
- She's just glad she's dating someone who might be on her level :D

Janis Sarkisian:
- "My dork."
- She thinks you are the cutest thing to ever exist
- She literally passes away whenever you do the smallest things
- Janis squishes your cheeks and looks you right in the eye
- "Who gave you the right?"
- She just loves how awkward and dorky and shy you can be
- Sometimes you use that to your advantage hehe
- Sometimes Damian uses that to his advantage
- It's great
- Janis is just so smitten with you and all your cute little mannerisms

Gretchen Wieners:
- Gretchen loves it
- Like everyone else, she thinks you're really really really cute
- Literally you could be sitting there and she'll start squealing and hugging you and it's very fun when this happens
- Meanwhile you're just "???"
- I feel like she will 100% be protective
- She gets scary ngl
- But that's okay, she's not scary to you
- She's so sweet 
- She's down to just do whatever you wanna do, she doesn't wanna overwhelm you or anything
- She just thinks you're neat :)

Karen Smith:
- Karen doesn't really care that you're nerdy, you're you after all
- So it's always a problem when other people make fun of that fact
- You have a good defender now so whee!
- And if someone calls your girlfriend stupid then you'd better go and defend her because no she isn't >:(
- Karen is so cute around you
- Like she'll ask the most random questions and when you have an answer she gets so excited
- A baby :D
- She just thinks it's so cool how you know all these things
- I feel like Regina and Gretchen lowkey protect you just because you're with Karen
- All in all, 10/10 girlfriend for a dork like you

Aaron Samuels:
- Aaron is a nerd and I will not elaborate because it's true
- I feel like you are the couple to geek out over so many things together
- Like you'll be freaking out over something that some people won't even pay attention to
- He loves when you go on passionate rants about something
- So he sits there with this dreamy look on his face because he's a dork
- I love Aaron can you tell
- I feel like you both make fun of each other because how can you not
- He's a good boyfriend to you and you can count on someone always being there to tell off people making fun of you
- Because he's nice like that :)
- You're his nerd and he's yours 

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