Non-Stop || Heather Chandler

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HI this is a previously typed up one that I remembered I had (i'm sorry if i haven't gotten to your request yet, i've been busy) so please accept this for now ALSO i'm not dead hey

Requested by: Kinon123

Warnings: None.

Summary: Heather Chandler tries to get her girlfriend to stop overworking herself, even just for a few hours.


I lift my hand from the paper, my wrist cramped from all the writing. I stifle a yawn, looking at the clock on my desk. Huh. Only nine. Feels like ages. I've been writing since I got back from school, working on my extra credit assignment. It's not mandatory, but I want to get it done.

I rub my eyes as my vision goes blurry. I pick up my phone and dial my girlfriend, Heather's, number, twirling the cord around my finger.


"Hey, Heather," I say.

"What's up?" I lean back in my chair, looking up at the ceiling.

"The sky," I say. I yawn. "Not much, really. Just needed a break."

"Working on homework?"

"Mhm. Extra cred." I yawn again. "Sorry. Bit tired."

"Go to sleep, weirdo. How long have you been working?" I wince.

"... Six hours?" I can almost see her expression, the way her eyebrows furrow. It's not like she doesn't work hard, too. She just knows I overexert myself when I focus too much on work.

"Did you even eat?" I purse my lips. "Y/n." I let out a sigh.

"Had a granola bar."

"Is that it?"

"... Yes." She sighs, exasperated. "I'm fine. Honestly. I'm just gonna finish up these last two paragraphs. And then I swear, I'll go to sleep."

"Are you serious right now?"

"Hundred percent."

"Go to sleep."

"I'm almost done. I just want to finish it." I look at my clock. "I'll call you back, okay? My break's over now."

"Y/n l/n, don't you dare go back to work or I swear, I will beat your a-"

"Heather. Listen. I can get it done. You don't need to worry about me this much." I hear a long sigh.

"... I'll drop by tomorrow."

"Please do." I smile. "I love you."

"I love you, too." I hang up and pick up my pencil, trying to piece together coherent thoughts. My vision grows fuzzy. I feel light-headed as I start to write a sentence. I shake my head in an attempt to clear away the clouds. I yawn again, working for a while. Before I know it, my vision goes black and I lose consciousness, mid-word.


"Y/n." It sounds far away. "Y/n, wake up." Someone gently pushes my shoulder.

"Mm?" I lift my head. "Who...?" I turn my head, my neck stiff. "Heather." She crosses her arms.

"You overworked yourself." I rub my eyes.

"I fell asleep? I don't even remember..."

"Did you just- You worked so hard that you passed out?" I let out a breath.

"Think so." I lower my head onto my desk, using my book as a sort of pillow. "Few more minutes, then I'll get back to work," I mumble into the pages.

"I can't believe you." I mutter an apology. "No. This is for your own good, not mine. You just passed out." I raise my head.

"I didn't mean to..." She rolls her eyes and pulls off her backpack, unzipping it. "How did you get in here?" She jerks her head towards the window before placing a wrapped sandwich in front of me. I look at her.

"I know you didn't eat dinner." I pick it up.

"Thanks." I unwrap it and take a bite, looking at the time. I was working till ten, and then I passed out. I slept for about half an hour. I eat quickly, not admitting how hungry I am now that I've had some food. She gives me another one.

"You need to eat more." I sigh and unwrap that one, too, starting to eat. I pick up my pencil. "No, stop." She takes it from me as I finish the sandwich.

"Red, come on!" I whine. "It's not that bad! I just ate."

"No. You need sleep." I pick up the glass of water on the corner of the desk and take a sip.

"That's not my only pencil, I'd be insane to have only one." I pick up another from the cup on my desk and continue writing. I'm a lot more clear-headed now that I've had some food. "Thanks for the food, by the way." She leans on the desk with her arms crossed, then runs a hand across my shoulders.

"Look, you're really tense. Take a break." She starts to massage my shoulders.

"I'm fine, really." I let out a soft moan. "That's nice. Bit lower, please?" She obliges.

"Sleep is good, you know." I nod.

"Very. That's why I'll go to sleep once I finish this." She wraps her arms around me, pressing a kiss to my neck. I run a hand through her hair.

"What can I do to persuade you?" She murmurs in my ear. "Tell me. Seriously." I shrug.

"Be more forceful."

"Fine." She takes my pencil and slams it onto the desk before spinning me around to face her. She pins her hands on either side of me. "Go. To. Sleep."

"Very forceful, I'll give you that." She sighs, annoyed. She looks down, then raises her head with a sudden smile. "Idea?" She nods. I blink as she lifts up my face. Her lips press against mine.

"You work too hard," she murmurs, tugging on my lip. I smile a bit, pulling her closer.

"At least I'm not a slacker."

"Very true," she says. "But still." She pulls away.

"Aw, what? Come on!" I complain. She smiles, quickly kissing me again.

"No more kisses till you've slept." She stands up. I lean back in my chair.

"Damn you." I sigh. "Good pick-me-up, though," I say, a mischievous smile on my face. She practically growls.

"Okay. I'll be forceful." She grabs me around the waist and hoists me up, lifting me off the chair. I let out a squeal, wrapping my limbs around her in surprise. She laughs. "You're like a koala!"

"Put me down!"

"I will." She turns around and lays me in bed. She flips off the lights and settles beside me, pulling the blanket up to cover us.

"The essay-"

"-Is due next week. You finished almost all of it in a day. You've earned a break." She wraps her arms around me. "Even if you don't sleep, just rest for a bit, okay?" I yawn, my eyes starting to droop. It's warm. Comfy. Maybe sleep is good.

"... Maybe you're right," I mumble into her shirt, burying my face in her chest. She idly plays with my hair, pressing a kiss to my head.

"Just sleep, alright?" I nod a few times.


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