How They Cheer You Up

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I just realized these are probably more like headcanons than preferences but SHHH that's fine

Suggested / Requested by: Mason_Green

Warnings: None.

Heather Chandler:
- I feel like Heather doesn't really know how to at first
- She's kinda sitting there all awkward like "fuck y/n's sad what do I do"
- Eventually she just starts getting you little gifts (rich little shit)
- She'll drop one off at your desk or when you're at your locker
- Expect to get kisses
- A lot of them
- So lipstick marks all over the place
- Are you blushing or is that just lipstick? Is it both? We will never know

Heather Duke:
- "Uh, um, uh, y/n, what's wrong?"
- Help the child
- At least she's TRYING okay
- Actually I bet her awkwardness makes you super giggly
- That definitely helps a lot
- She'll read to you with your head in her lap (ADORABLE AS FUCK OKAY ANYWAYS)
- You barely pay attention and you just gaze at her
- Even if you're not sad you may or may not lie just so you can do that

Heather McNamara:
- Hugs
- So many hugs
- You are suffocated in hugs
- She'll literally just cuddle you to death
- But that's just because she loves you :)
- Her smiles are very infectious so that's effective
- She'll sit you down and let you talk about your feelings
- I like to think that she's a really good listener

Veronica Sawyer:
- Veronica gets all soft and you can do nothing to convince me otherwise
- She'll be all badass and indifferent but the moment you walk in sad it's ALL OVER
- Cuddles
- Kisses
- Constant reminders that she loves you
- She will drop everything she's doing just to make you happy
- She'll get you anything you want
- She might baby you a bit but that's okay

Regina George:
- Regina will fuck up whatever made you upset
- Once she literally burned up an entire notebook because you didn't like the subject
- And then she holds you close
- She really went "FUCK YOU LITTLE BITCH B- oh hi y/n ilysm babe mwah"
- If anyone makes note of it she will glare them down with her scary death rays
- And then she goes all nice and gentle for you
- Everyone's surprised that she's so sweet
- But only for you

Cady Heron:
- She freaks out
- "Y/n? What's wrong? Are you okay? Why are you sad? Did someone hurt you?"
- She holds your hand and traces little calming circles onto your palm
- She kisses your face all over
- She's up for anything you want to do because she knows it'll make you feel better
- Lie down on the floor for an hour? Why not
- Cuddle in bed? Of course!
- Cause chaos with Janis and Damian? Okay, as long as you stay safe <3

Janis Sarkisian:
- I feel like Janis is kinda like Regina
- She gets so angry at whatever it is that made you upset
- I feel like she might just drag you home and wrap you up in a blanket
- Put on some stupid rom-com to laugh at together
- Load up on snacks
- She's really touchy so like she'll always be in contact with you in some way (SO CUDDLES GALORE)
- She will let you rant or do whatever you need to let out your emotions
- She just wants you to be happy

Gretchen Wieners:
- She gets a little sad because you're sad
- But she'll hug you randomly
- Like in the middle of the hallway
- She tries to do the exact opposite of what made you sad
- So if someone made fun of you, she'll shower you with compliments
- If you failed a test, she'll ask you to do something that she knows you're good at
- (That's actually so cute I can't-)
- She especially likes to show how much she appreciates you and everything you do for her

Karen Smith:
- I feel like Karen also gets sad if you happen to be sad (like Gretchen)
- At first she doesn't really realize that you're upset
- But when she does she immediately goes cheer up mode on you
- She'll ask her friends for advice
- Especially if they've known you for a while
- She never wants you to be sad but she understands if you are
- So she'll do everything she knows that you like
- Because she knows you'd do it for her, too

A/N: Hoo boy that took way too much brain power that I don't have rip

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