Gone || Veronica Sawyer

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Warnings: Injury, slight angst... uhhh violence sorta? (JD does what he does in the musical he is not good).

Summary: Veronica manages to escape JD and tells the school of the bomb in the boiler room. And then it goes off.

Hello peeps, take this for now. i know i haven't updated this in forever, so here's a one-shot i've had in my drafts for a very long time. i have writers block and amd currently very busy with school, so i'm sorry if i disappear again. kk bye anyways


"Veronica! Are you okay?" I turn to y/n's voice as she falls in stride with me. I had run into the gym to warn everyone about the bomb and JD, and there was pandemonium until Principal Gowan ordered everyone to get to the field.

"I'm... I'm fine." She nods, grabbing my hand and pulling me closer.

"That's good. We should stick together, okay?"

"Okay." She tightens her grip on me before we get separated, yanking me closer to her. I let out a sigh of relief as we reach the doors.

"We're all safe."

"Yeah." I let her go. "I'll get Chandler."

"I'll get the other two." We nod, then split up. My friends are all caught up in this thing with JD. I need to make sure he doesn't take any of them away from me.

"Chandler? Chandler!" I call out. I shoulder through the crowd. "Ch-" I slam into the red clad girl, who lets out a surprised grunt as I do.

"... Veronica!" I grab her wrist.

"Let's get the others. Y/n's finding them." She falls in stride with me.

"I hope Mac's okay. You know how she gets when it comes to shit like this."

"Yeah." She glares at me.

"I knew Jesse James was bad news! I told you so. What did I say? I-" I sigh.

"Now's not the time, Heather," I mutter. We survey the crowd, occasionally calling out our friends' names. I hear someone call out for me. I whip around, searching for the source.

"Mac?" We start running to the edge of the crowd.

"Veronica! Ch-" A wall of fire erupts from the school, washing the crowd in light and heat. The sound nearly deafens me. Chandler grabs my arm for support.

"... Holy shit," she breathes out.

"I know." I turn back to where we heard Mac's voice, continuing to drag Chandler through the crowd. "Mac!" We break through the crowd. Mac sits on the ground, her wide eyes reflecting the tongues of fire coming from the doors. Chandler and I rush to her, sinking to the ground on either side of her.

"Hey, you okay?" Chandler asks gently.

"No," Mac says softly. "I-I... It's not..." I wrap an arm around her.

"It's okay, Heather. We're all safe."

"Not... Not all of us." Chandler examines her face for a few seconds. Her eyes widen, and she takes hold of the smaller girl's shoulders, turning her to face her.

"Mac. Mac, where's Duke? Where's y/n?" Mac shivers. My heart sinks at the implication.

"Y/n found me. She..." She pauses. "I remembered that Heather went to the library instead of the rally, so she wouldn't have known..." I close my eyes. Duke. I hope she got out. "A-And then y/n told me to find you guys."

"... Where is she?" I ask softly.

"She..." Her voice wavers. "She went..." She trails off. One look into her eyes, and my heart shatters. Her lip trembles. "I could have helped her, I could have stopped her or s-something, but... But I couldn't move, I couldn't- I couldn't do anything, I just... I just stood there and I... Oh, God, it's all my fault..." Chandler rubs her arm.

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