And At Last I See The Light

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Here, have this sacrifice.
It's short, but...
(Hahshahaha i changed the wording of the onr part (you rereaders know which one) have fun!)


"Hey, Katsuki... Katsuki. Katsuki!" Shoto waved his hand in front of my face as I snapped back into reality. I backed up unconsciously, not believing that once again I lost all touch with the real world just by thinking about him and his stupid, handsome, face.

"The fuck do you want?" I called as he dropped his hands back down to his sides, standing relaxed in front of the swings. "Ugh. Ok, when we go back, you are not allowed to talk to my parents. You're not even allowed to look at them, or even breathe in their vicinity - or else I will murder you and hand-deliver your decomposing body to your family's front steps! Got it?" I threatened, not waiting for a response as I returned to the swings - not yet wanting to return to my home.


He joined me in swinging, staying silent as we swung back and forth, getting lost in the rhythmic motions.




      and down.

The action was being repeated over and over, with our legs pumping in and out... in and out, allowing us to touch the stars. It was calming, and that's what I've been needing.

The only sounds around us being those of nature, and nearby people shouting, they drowned out all the terrible and confusing thoughts that we're circling around my head, allowing myself space to breathe.


Shoto was only slightly moving his swing, his feet never even left the ground. In some stupid-ass way, it was cute, and it was so him.

His head was turned upwards, as he took to admiring the darkening night sky overhead. And every time that I soared high enough to pass the bar and came flying back down to earth I would pass by him, and I swear that every fucking time, he would glance over and smile at me. I did my best to ignore the fucking pit of feelings it created deep in my chest, but sometimes I just couldn't help the feelings from rising.

Fuck the calm, I need to fucking do something.


For some stupid, impulsive, reason I jumped off the swing just before it reached it's maximum height, landing gracefully on the ground, and automatically turned around to see Shoto's reaction.

He stared in awe as I walked around the set and arrived behind him. He stopped his swing and turned in his seat to look at me as I grabbed at the seat, near the chains. "Can I help you?" he asked

"You ever been 'Underdogged'?" I asked as I proceeded to pull the swing back as far as I could.

He instinctively grabbed onto the chains as he shakingly responded, "No. What are you doing?"

"You'll see," I ominously replied as I ran forward, ducking under the seat when I threw the swing as high as I could. I got far enough away to not be hit as he came down.

I took my time as I walked back around, grabbing the seat again as he began chuckling quietly.

I did it once more, and this time the loudest, most guttural, sound came out of his mouth as I ducked under, it sounded more like a scraggly 'Woo!' than anything, and I would do anything to hear it forever, or at least until I get murdered.

He began to slow the swing down, letting "What was that?" fall out of his mouth in a breathy, seemingly close to death, tone. He sounded exasperated, and yet happy(?) at the same time.

I walked closer and leaned against the pole nearest to him, "That's an 'Underdog'," I explained casually, "it's something Little Shits do to each other during recess. Thought it'd be fun to do again."

"It was." He laughed out, "Although it was terrifying at first, I was afraid that you'd get injured accidentally."

"Hey, the day playground equipment beats my ass is the day you are allowed to be the Number One Hero - which is never!"

He let out another laugh as he began to descend from the swing. He turned to face me and held out his hand. I glared quizzically at it, then him, as he sheepishly asked, "Can I hold your hand?"

Freezing at the sudden wave of 'holy shit' thoughts rushing through my mind, I hesitantly began to rest my hand in his. His fingers wrapped my hand and he pulled me towards him.


He dragged me to an open area and his free hand found itself on my hip as he kept a hold of my hand. He fucking commenced to twirling around the park grounds, moving us around in the dark... it was only us, no one else - nothing else - and it was beautiful.

I tripped over my own feet as he spun me towards him. He pulled me in and wrapped his arms around my chest when my back pressed against him. I glanced up instinctively and saw the light from the moon overhead cascading down his face, his eyes and lips glowed in the darkness that had already enveloped us.

He spun me back out and we returned to our starting positions. A grin began to creep upon my face, and I could not fucking help it. It grew, and I wore it proudly.


We continued to dance around, not caring that it was night out, not caring that there wasn't any music playing, and especially not caring that we were expected back home a while ago. All we cared about right now, was each other. Presently, that's all we fucking needed.


Each time I was twirled in and out we moved closer, we ended up pressed against each other, chest to chest, arms locked around each other's back as we swayed and swayed; hands still connected. I laid my head on his shoulder, leaning into his neck, as I initiated a much-needed conversation, "Shoto...?"

He 'hmm'd' in response as I sorted through my words. "I'd say I was sorry for making a big mess of all this shit, but I'm not really sorry about all that...

"I know that I'm about as great at reading my bitch-ass feelings as All Might is at reading the room." He coughed out a laugh as we stayed moving in place, "So what I'm gonna fucking say is that... I... fucking like you too - and that I've known for a while, my head was just too far up my ass for me to realize, or even accept.

"I didn't want to admit just how much your stupid face made me feel, how much joy just looking at it fucking brought. About how every time I try and sneak a peek at you, you're already looking at me, and how it stirred up things in me that I didn't even know existed." I pushed myself away from him, still keeping our hands connected not ready to let go of his hand quite yet.

His eyes shimmered as he waited for me to finish. Breathing in and out, trying to control my nerves, I continued, "Would you..? Could we...?" How the fuck am I supposed to say this crap?

I did another round of controlled breathing, choking on the words and metaphorical butterflies (they're more like Wasps) building up within, "Would you like to try going out, or some shit?"

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