Ready... Set... Bake!

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Okay... so maybe 2 months is a long time to be gone, but considering that I'm usually half a year late to the party... it's an improvement.

I got a new job - where I get to do my favorite thing in the world... alphabetizing!

Also, my pokemon plush collection is growing, I have an Espurr, Turtwig, Torchic, Pancham, Scorbunny, Riolu, and now a Sylveon. I love them all so much. (especially Riolu, he was a gift from a customer and I named him Spaghetti Monster. He has a piercing - which looks smashing on him.)


Still Todoroki's P.O.V ('cause I just now realized that I did not follow my usual pattern of decreasing Kats chapters spread out with a Shoto pov in between... oops). (I also keep starting the chapters in 3rd person, and then I have to go back and change it all). I hate this... Why did I have to start writing something that I ended up loving???

Anyways... here we go!


Perhaps letting Katsu and Fuyu 'fight it out' (as Natsu aptly put it) in the kitchen probably wasn't the best idea we've ever had.

Katsuki is known for being competitively fierce in whatever field he dominates - if our last paper exam is any proof of it - but lesser known is Fuyu's unrivaled desire to feed her family only the very best, she says that 'it's the least she can do for her favorite brothers.' (Even though we are the only brothers she has left.)

Though, if one good thing came out of this 'mess', it's that there are more than enough freshly baked cookies for all of us, the Bakugou's, and 20 other people - of both their choosing.

However, it might be better to show what kind of shit we got into first.


As soon as their baking skills were put on the line, it was a mad dash to the kitchen.

I did my best to ensure that Fuyumi wasn't body-slammed into the walls, while Natsuo did his best to make sure Katsuki wasn't kicked to the floor as we were dragged along behind them.

Once we made it to the kitchen, Natsuo and I were then assigned as the 'judges/helpers' (but please note that Natsu has only ever burned anything he has ever made, and I am quite weary of the oven's temperature - I fear it may one day burn the house down. Plus, as Katsuki likes to remind me, I've never opened it before, let alone been allowed near the appliances for most of my life) but honestly, I think we were mostly there to slow our respective person down - to allow for a more fair competition to happen between some rather unfair people.

Katsu and Fuyu were to use the same new-to-them recipe found on the internet, which (in theory) was to be read by us, their 'helper'.

Luckily, being related to a rich bastard had some upside, like we had every kind of baking utensil ever created, and more than enough ingredients for the type of bull-shit we were getting into.


Natsuo and Fuyumi were a good team, all Natsu had to do was read off the ingredient list verbatim and Fuyu could remember the shit out of it.

Katsuki... wasn't as lucky with me.

Kats yanked the phone out of my hand with a "Lemme see this," scrolling through the recipe page and speed reading to get a basic idea. "Shit, alright then." He proclaimed, tossing my phone back to me - which I caught after a bit of fumbling.


For the most part, though, we were doing a pretty good job of working together - well, in comparison to any and all of our previous attempts, especially during school.

"How many times do I have to fucking say it?!" Katsuki snapped for the 4th time, "Milk, eggs, and butter! Flour, sugar, salt, baking powder, and baking soda!"

"Okay, okay..." I muttered as I opened the fridge and peered in, "So. Milk, butter, and...?" My words trailed off as I did my best to think.

"-Oh for the love of all that is All Might!" He groaned, and I heard a noise that sounded suspiciously like Kats slapping his hands over his face. "EGGS!"

"I knew that," I responded in turn - even though I did not know that - placing the cold items on our side of the kitchen island.

He huffed loudly from where he stood, "Right, and I don't make explosions with my hands. You fuckhead." To others, it may've sounded mean, but I'm 80% sure this is how he shows affection. Plus, by his words and tone, I am confident that I was supposed to take his words as sarcasm. "Just get the other fucking shit down." He instructed, waving his hand 'away' at me.

I let out a hefty sigh - if only to annoy him - slipping over to the other side of the island where the upper cabinets I had just seen Natsu pull things in and out of were located.

"What did Kats tell me to grab?" I muttered just loud enough for myself as I climbed onto the stepstool and opened the doors to peer inside - completely lost in wonder at all the new stuff we had hidden away up there.

As I looked through, I tried to let my mind work on autopilot, hoping that I had (somehow) retained information on everything Suki told me to grab.

Unfortunately, I had in fact not remembered enough. 'Shit' I thought to myself as the only things I could even think of grabbing were the flour, and salt.

Not wanting to return practically empty-handed, I twisted back towards Kats, with a pleading look in my eyes, hoping I could 'charm him' into telling me - once again - what he was asking for, without him exploding me.

However, whatever 'charming' expression that may have been on my face was quickly replaced with tense fear as I felt myself fall backward, head aimed straight for the hard ceramic floor tiles.

I didn't think. I couldn't get myself to.

All I could do was feel my heartbeat thumping out of my chest. My eyes squeezed tight, as I waited for the hard floor to collide with my head.

"Oi, dumbass, I know I'm fucking hot, but there's no need for you to fall for me again." I heard before I registered the feeling of Katsuki's arm on my back, keeping me from shattering my skull open.

He had caught me.

Somehow, he had managed to make it through the danger zone that is our kitchen in less than a second.

With a slow, thought-out blink, it caught up with me that I had stuff in my hands when I had fallen. A quick, almost panicked, look around showed me their fates.

They were settled haphazardly in the crook of Katsuki's other arm.

"Oh, fuck." Was all that came out of my shock-ridden mouth as he swept me off the stool and carefully (yeah, you heard that right) placed me on the ground.

He kept staring at me, not with his usual 'I'm gonna explodo-kill you dead' eyes, but rather with an array of soft, worrying flicks of expressions. "You okay, dumb-dumb?" He settled for, placing the two containers on the nearest surface before turning back to me and scanning me up and down for whatever reason.

Taking a few deep breaths to calm my nerves, I nodded in response, walking back towards the stool to try again. Except that a pull on my shirt quickly stopped me in my tracks, turning me to face Kats.

"Fuck that." He told me, still holding onto me, now with his arms wrapped around my shoulders - hands resting on the nape of my neck - showing off how much shorter he really was. "You stick to reading, okay? I am not gonna let something as stupid as baking kill my only boyfriend, you got it?" He asked, his voice growing... not quieter, but heftier towards the end.

He stood on his toes, his eyes boring deep into my soul, before letting his hands slide down my neck, his fingernails lightly grazing my skin as he let his hands fall back down to his sides.

Absentmindedly my hand reached up to ghost over the trail Katsuki's hands had followed when he let go of my neck.

I don't know what it was, but I had to fight down a lump in my throat as he pushed past with an unusually killer smirk lighting up his face, and headed to the cabinets to complete the task I risked my life for.

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