Rei of Sunshine

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Good parents are good.

Back to Baku's P.O.V

"Seriously, stop moving," Is he even breathing? He looks flushed, what the hell is wrong with him? Groaning, I propped myself on my elbows, digging into Todoroki's ribs. He let out a wince and I quickly removed my elbows and opted to just lay back down. Staring up at him as his eyes kept widening, "What's going on with you? You look like you're dying."

"Well, I..." He hesitated, and I wanted nothing more than for him to either shut the fuck up or spit the rest of the sentence out.

"What's your problem." I tried to interrogate, which does not have the same effect when you are laying on the person you're interrogating. Wait, when did I get up here.

Lost in my thoughts on how the hell we got so tangled I almost didn't hear his response. "You."

"Huh?" What did he say?

I shot him a questioning glance and waited for him to repeat himself. "...I said you were my problem..."

Quickly, I shot off him and angrily leaped off the bed. I stomped to the door and yanked it open all the way. He sat up and looked in my direction as I shouted, "If you've got a fucking problem with me then here's the fucking door!" I was furious, now I've done my damned best to calm down around him these past days. I let him pull me around a fucking mall with a shit-fuck bunch of assholes - I even let my guard down around him - and this was I thanks I got!

Keeping my stance near the door, watching as he slid himself off the bed and slowly walked towards me. "The hell you doing, asshole?!" I yelled, "Stop walking unless you're leaving!" He stopped, making me question what his motive was, "The hell are you doing? If you hate me so much then why don't you just go away?"

He inched closer, but I continued to glare at him, it didn't stop him. Arms out he tried to explain, "Bakugou, I didn't mean it like that."

I fired back, "If you didn't mean it, then why the hell did you say it?!"

"You asked me what my problem was, why it looked like I was dying. It was because of you." Well, that clears everything up - not, "I couldn't handle you laying on me, I can't handle being around you. You make me feel things that I didn't even know exist! I don't know how to feel around you!" He grabbed at his shirt and bundled it in his hand, squeezing so hard his hand was shaking, "You're a complete jerk, but you're a jerk I want to get to know... Bakugou." He was right in front of me, body tensed, eyes damp, and his face was the brightest shade of pink I've ever seen.

Taking a step back I bumped into something, glancing behind me I realized I had hit the door. Looking back over to Todoroki I didn't know what to do. Yeah, you heard right, the great Bakugou Katsuki has no idea what to do.

"Say something, please." He whispered, but what am I supposed to say in this instance? I do feelings about as well as the Class Robot doesn't do chopping motions. "Bakugou, what the hell do I do?"

"For starters, back the hell up. Your breath smells terrible," he listened and took a few steps back, "and what am I supposed to do? What do you want, to be friends, to get your ass kicked by me every day for fun?"

"Both! Neither! I don't know? I just want to spend more time with you."

I knew nothing else to say, so I gave him the truth. At first, I said it under my breath, while I was glancing down at the floor " do I..." but he didn't hear me. I brought my head up and looked him square in the eyes, "So do I," I said with confidence, even though I didn't feel confident at all. I stepped away from the door, "I have no fucking clue why, but I want to keep you around. You are a pain in the ass, and an obnoxiously incompetent hero-wannabe! But, hell, I want to hang around you more. I want to know what you fucking like. I want to kick your butt in training and help you improve your fighting. I just want to be around you."

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